I have visited many sects, for the Muslims i have interacted with - TopicsExpress


I have visited many sects, for the Muslims i have interacted with just, I have visited the Roman Catholics, the Anglicans, the pentecostals, The Jehovahs witnesses. I have attended more than two services for each, at most the Anglicans and pentecostals. I was even baptised in the three sects(Roman catholic, Anglican and pentecostal) respectively. All that while i was looking for a truth, All these denominations preach that u have to be in their religion in order to be righteous and escape hell, Each of them call the other either infidels, pagans, traitors etc, And some of the instructions are, thou shall not marry from the other religion, for if thou doest so, then thou shall convert them to our religion first. If all these sects are right then who is to be believed? I do believe that God is one and has not been divided into Paul, Apollos, Peter etc. Several people have approached me and often they ask me which religion i belong to because they are disturbed by the fact that i freely interact with all. I often tell them am of no religion, for i chose to put religion aside since i could not find the truth in religion, Now i can find the truth in the bible and his word. Jesus was asked, By what authority do you do these things? and He also asked By what authority did John the baptist do those things was it of man or of God? Much of service has been directed to the church systems rather than God, people fear to be seen by the church as wrong doers and this has produced many actors(Hypocrites). In attempt to please their church yet their hearts are the opposite. They often appear to be the most holy n righteous. I dont blame them coz thats what they have been taught. The bible says train up a child on how he should grow and he shall not depart from it. so that is how they interpret righteousness that by pleasing the church and its minister i am righteous. What u see is people trying to fulfill the church code and order rather than do what God says, no wonder many of them are too deaf to hear directly from God. Yet God often speaks to us. And if you come claiming to have heard from God, they have all reasons to doubt you coz they assume u are as deaf as them. I have been reading the bible several times and i dont see any religious sect mentioned in that bible, I can as well call myself a free man, Judge me if u want, For the bible says in Mathew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. If am to remember very well, the great prophets did not have any religious sect, in fact they lived in isolation, the Apostles did not have qualifications to be chosen by God or Christ Himself. No wonder Christ did not choose the pharisees. For all i have seen in many years is people preaching love but only to those in their denomination, they cannot employ or hire another, well tell me is that Love? I have seen malice, judgement, terror, hatred. To me thats not the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is righteousness peace n Joy in the Holy Ghost. and thats where i choose to reside. For i have chosen to serve the Lord God who called me, n u wont stop that, not you, not your religion, not your church. For whoever chooses to be free in Christ and Serve him truly with your heart and Love, I pray His grace upon you, and His guidance. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:44:30 +0000

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