I have watched all the Kingmakers and Self appointed Faces of the - TopicsExpress


I have watched all the Kingmakers and Self appointed Faces of the Tea Party Movement in MI Come and Go. Icaucus, the Alliance, TPWMI, etc. (Multiple names of Faces Who have become irrelevant, who I wont mention here). Some still hang around the edges, contributing at times, temporarily elevated to relevance, Usually coming out long enough to get their names out at Convention to raise funds, sometimes hampering, (with Icaucus almost always hampering), sometimes helping, there are always new people who naively fall for the past glories argument, and help the has-beens rise back up for a short period. Some make Honest mistakes that set us back, (supporting Sam Moore) and cost us time and effort, none of us are perfect. We analyze the mistakes, learn from them, and move on. Those who are opportunists, who choose sides for personal motives or gains are the problem. The True leaders are the Local activists who stay involved. It is a Fluid and ever changing group of People, which is a strength, and at times a Perceived weakness. We come under attack from all sides, but the target is always moving. The establishment attacks a Leader, but another rises to take their place. Particular issues or races give an individual or Group attention and Relevance for a time, then Focus changes. The closest we have come to having statewide leaders is the cases of Cindy A. Gamrat, Gary Glenn, and Todd A. Courser. Three People who realized the positions, not through self interest, but by hard work, truly caring about others, and putting the good of the movement first. They are reaping the rewards of their hard work and dedication to OTHERS with their Primary wins on August 5th. (AND THEY WILL ALL NEED OUR HELP IN THE COMING MONTHS FOR THE NOVEMBER ELECTIONS). Other names who should be given recognition, are the Dude, Dave Dudenhoefer, Mark Petzold, Jim Chiodo, Dave Agema, Tony Demott, and dozens of others, who spend time and treasure to advance the cause, with little expectation or thought of personal gain or reward. Their Recognition comes from putting the Movement FIRST, putting in the hard work in the trenches, and allowing the rewards and recognition to build. Not from demands to be recognized, or by cutting deals with the establishment, but by Honest effort and dedication. Some criticize the Pow Wows as a vehicle for Cindy, Todd, and others, to attempt to Co-opt the movement. Others claim they have been Co-opted. The Claims come from the Usual suspects and those who have seen their own relevance decrease, Looking to place the blame on others, rather than their own bad decisions, alliances, and choices. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes the PW rose from the MI4Cs effort, but it evolved into much more. Strategy has been a Key factor at times, but education and openness to all ideas has been the main focus. The Pow Wows have never been about creating a ruling counsel or Board to dictate issue, or Candidate focus. The focus has always First to educate and Inform. Yes Biases are at time shown by Individuals. Certain Leaders who organized the events were given the stage, as they well deserved. The disdain for the Progressive establishment Candidates and Leaders is at times palpable. Old animosities have arisen, with isolated arguments occurring. Attempts to Co-opt the PW by outsiders, have thus far met with failure. The PW has been from the start, an Information and Networking session. Best efforts were put forward to include all aspects of the Liberty/Tea Party movement. Speakers and Presenters have included Social/Fiscal/ and Libertarian viewpoints. Efforts were made from the first Pow Wow to include not only the MUCS (MI Unnamed Coalitions) and C4L, but even the critics, (the Alliance, MICPAC) and even the Establishment republicans. Sponsors at the last PW included Christian, Social, Fiscal, Libertarian, establishment, Known Critics, and even Corporate Big Money Republicans. They all paid their dime, and were given the opportunity to share their message. Accepting the money to allow the opportunity for all viewpoints is not selling out, selling out is tempering or altering your message, for a Quid Pro Quo. (The GOP could learn something from the example). The establishment loves to crown someone as the perceived leader, and then hold them up at convention, to provide a fresh coat of Liberty to their choices. We saw it with the Alliance Folks endorsing Schostak over Courser (recently with LapeerTea PartyPatriots, again dissing Courser). In 2010, Gene Clem endorsed the entire Establishment slate of Vice chairs, as the Tea Party, Choices. Most of their Elevated trained seals become irrelevant, or at least marginalized within the movement, when their motives for their decisions are exposed. ( Backroom deals for Computer program licenses, party positions, etc, seldom stay secret, ....). I expect we will see similar attempts made next week, with Real, Self appointed, and Perceived Liberty leaders endorsing and supporting Calley, Land, Schuette, Weiser, and other Candidates. Remember, their endorsements and Nominations are from INDIVIDUALS. They DO NOT Speak for the Movement as a whole. An endorsement from Justin Amash does not make Brian Calley a Tea Party Ally and erase the support of Medicaid expansion (ie OBAMACARE) Common Core (The Governors initiative IS A FEDERAL Program), or any of the other multitude of Programs passed under the current Executive in MI. We are all Individuals. If and when we all start agreeing on everything, it may be time to rethink our positions. Base your decisions on voting Records over Rhetoric, Past Loyalties and actions, over Endorsements of the moment, and especially On Principle over Party. I ENDORSE, FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH WES NAKIGARI JEFF SAKWA - MELANIE FOSTER DAN HORNING - ROB STEELE JOSH CLINE - MARIA CARL JUDGE REDFORD RACES NOT MENTIONED I AM EITHER NEUTRAL, OR DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION TO FORM AN OPINION
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:11:28 +0000

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