I have watched and read Goncala aramal book and video, and for the - TopicsExpress


I have watched and read Goncala aramal book and video, and for the life of me, i still dont understand why the McCanns have not been charged, or at leasted charged with neglect. My reasons. 1/If i left 3 children under the age of 4, i would have been charged with neglect//Kate and Gerry did not. 2/ if my childs DNA had been found in the Apartment 5a, and lets not forget that madeleine dis-appeared on the 3/5/7 between 2100hrs to 2200hrs and not been seen, yet 25 days after the mccanns highered the car and left boot open day and night, madeleines DNA was in the car and body fluids founds and dogs detected cadaver.....i would of been charged....Kate and gerry were not. 3//police read you yours writes out...anything you dont say may be used against you, 48questions that were refused by kate to answer to the police, yet these were only to help with enquires.....yet if that was us in the eyes of the law that would be used against you...Is was not for Kate & Gerry McCann. 4//Why would you remove the scent off your missing daughters cuddle cats and remove all possible evidence?? kate did....would we the PUBLIC get away with that. I would not forenically clean apartment or try to clean the car as that would DISTROY all EVIDENCE for the FORENIC TEAM....KATE & GERRY did. 5//If i recieved a call saying we the pj are coming to the villa, we need clothes & we need to do checks in villa..I would not and i REPEAT, would not put clothes in the the washing machine......KATE & GERRY DID... 6//Why did gordon brown help you kate & gerry?? ......he would not help us.....infact BEN NEEDHAM MUM as not recieve the same TREATMENT as you two have recieved, and her baby is still missing. 6//WHY did the british police say with the portugues police that the McCanns played there part in there daughters dis-appearance?? if that was us, that alone would have been enough to charge us Yvonne a social worker and manager in child protection..STATED that the mccanns played a part in maddies disappearance and told the pj to check there data base about her concerns over DAVID PAYNE and she will be imforming england of the concerns.......would that not be enough to bring charges against us?? kate and gerry was not. 7// How come martin grimes brought his Uk sniffer dogs in EDDIE & KEELA have solved over 200 hundred cases.. and detected BLOOD and CADAVER in apartment 5 a and the car,.....That would be enough to lock us up.....Kate And Gerry was not. 8//How come social services did not remove the twins when they arrived back in the UK?? As many parents have there children removed for lesser crimes in the uk & still have a LIVE CHILD and KNOW HARM as come to them. Kate & Gerry did not. I could go on and on...but Im not....What actually tires me out is the fact that pages and sights like us, work and do are best to get the JUSTICE for MADELEINE BETH McCANN.....yet we are called TROLLS, Why?? because we STATING FACTS and PRINT the BRILLANT work of GONCALA ARARAL who in fact could call him self a DOCTOR in his line of work, but chooses not to. Why would you get carter ruck to stop Aramel from releasing his book, TRUTH OF THE LiE to the UK??? What was you frightened off?? why would you su a penioner tony bennett and to shut him up Whos actually protecting yous?? As i know the general public would not get away with the majority of what you two have got away with.....Who are you both?? Why have yous used the media to your ADVANTAGE?? Who was running the investigation 7 years ago?? i would say you two. NOBODY would have got away with just abit that you two have got away with. THE WHOLE CASE IS CORRUPTED.........................My words are based on factual evidence presented to me from the pj files and its called FREEDOM OF SPEECH GERRY McCANN, As you said your self.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:25:29 +0000

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