I have watched my baby grow so quickly and gracefully, all on her - TopicsExpress


I have watched my baby grow so quickly and gracefully, all on her own accord before you know it she was off the bottle into sippy cups then i spoke to fast and said i wished she just drank out of cups and look at her now stealing my cup away every time i fill one up for myself, i wished she was talking and walking at just a few months old and then only a couple months later she was rolling, then crawling and finally walking now i wish i could go back to the day to when all she did was sleep in my arms....so while i watch these pics of new mamas trying to encourage their little young ones to grow faster, and move onto whatever next step that they want them to, SLOW DOWN!! I want you to take the time to think about your children and that its time for you to listen to your child instead of assuming you know its time to "grow up", listen to your heart it will always tell you whats right... remember as mothers we have dreams for our children and as much as we would like them to achieve OUR dreams that is not our duties as mothers and fathers, our duty is to make sure I help my child acheive THEIR dreams
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 16:31:53 +0000

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