I have wondered for years why our troops returning from Vietnam - TopicsExpress


I have wondered for years why our troops returning from Vietnam were treated so badly, spit on, cussed, and backs turned on them. The more I thought on it the more confused I got. Then I ask myself what was different in Vietnam from Germany in WWII, and Korea. The only thing i could really come up with was the media coverage, the American people were exposed first hand to the horrors of war, they saw first hand men being killed, blown apart and they could not or would not accept it, and since for the most part it was the American GIs doing the shooting that made them the bad guys, Then the media make people like Jane Fonda heroes and people like Snake Hoskins, who was killed after his 4th or 5th tour in Vietman, the guys in the black hats. Folks, bad shit happens in war, innocent people are killed and many times innocent kids are exposed to things that ruin their lives for ever more and make them even more scared of the dark then they ever were as a small child. This is why i have said for years that there are just some things the American people do not need to know, because we as a civil nation do not have the stomach to see or know what our American fighting men have to endure or do just to stay alive.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:35:07 +0000

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