I have worked on this “post,” on and off, for weeks and weeks, - TopicsExpress


I have worked on this “post,” on and off, for weeks and weeks, now! So, forgive me for any typos, or if Ive repeated myself, or for anything else wrong with this message. It is so wonderful that I have read 3 separate quotes from this 1 chapter in the Bible over the past 2 weeks. Its like God is telling me, “Yes! Keep on working on this: I want you to!” So, I have kept working on this whenever I could; and, now, its done. I have prayed for God to give me the words that HE would have me say, every time Ive sat down, yet again, to work on this. I pray that it blesses all of you even half as much as its blessed me, as Ive kept reading this passage from the Bible for all these weeks. So, here it is! I hear, so often, statements from all kinds of people who are very mistaken in thinking that they CAN achieve perfection, here, on Earth. These people also believe that if they DONT achieve perfection BEFORE they die, that God WONT let them enter His Kingdom BECAUSE THEY DIDNT LIVE A COMPLETELY “SIN-FREE LIFE.” The truth is: NOTHING could be further FROM “The Truth” by thinking that IS the truth. GOD KNOWS that we will NEVER be “without sin” as long as were alive. We’re to try to do our very best NOT to sin; but, NO ONE IS EVER “WITHOUT SIN, NO, NOT ONE,” until AFTER they have left this world, and they enter the Kingdom of God, for eternity. We are human, and many of us tend to think in terms of ONLY human thoughts and ideas. When we see words such as, “inheritance,” human beings often think of material things, such as “Wealth,” because of envy or jealousy or, as the Bible puts it, “coveting” something that someone else has, that you want. The same is true for the word, “prosperity,” because we think that “prosperity” means “things,” such as: money; houses; nice cars; not working for anyone, but being the Owner of a business. And, we also think of being “wealthy” through having so much money that we dont have to even ask what some “thing” costs. All of these thoughts are wrong, in Gods eyes and in the words that Jesus spoke. Im paraphrasing, here, but think about the rich man who asked Jesus, “What must I do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?” and Jesus answered, “Go, and give away all that you have.” The wealthy man walked away, with deep sadness, because he knew that he was not willing to give up his things: this example is what Jesus used to convey the message about putting anything above God, and he said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” These human definitions are also NOT the meanings of the words, “inheritance,” or “prosperity,” that God intends for us to believe. Gods meaning of the words “inheritance” and “prosperity” go far beyond what those words mean in THIS world. God is talking about things that are not “OF” this world, unless were talking about the peaceful planet that will be a glorious gift to those whose inheritance is the New Earth. Over and over, again, God tells us, “DO NOT WORRY.” Yet, how many hours do we spend worrying about something, or someone, every day? Id dare to say that way too many people spend most of their lives in a state of “worry,” when that is the last thing that God wants us to do. He wants us to TRUST HIM in everything, and for ALL our needs: not “desires,” but “needs.” Unless, of course, what you “desire” is the salvation of your, or someone other persons, soul; or, you “desire” for God TO USE YOU for HIS purposes; or you “desire” to please God in all that you do, think, or say: those “desires” DO please God; and they change us into the kind of Christians that God wants us to be; they keep us living in a “state of grace” and all our focus on God, and being a living example of Christ-like love, as well as keeping our focus on studying Gods Word and what He calls us to do. In this one chapter, in The Book of Psalms, there are two verses that really speak to me, the most; they are verses 39 and 40: the last two verses of this chapter. IN TWO SHORT VERSES, WE ARE TOLD WHAT WE TRULY NEED TO KNOW, AND WHAT WE NEED TO REMAIN FOCUS ON, WITH THESE WORDS: “THE SALVATION OF THE RIGHTEOUS COMES FROM THE LORD; HE IS THEIR STRONGHOLD... THE LORD HELPS THEM, AND DELIVERS THEM; HE DELIVERS THEM FROM THE WICKED AND SAVES THEM, BECAUSE THEY TAKE REFUGE IN HIM.” In other words, dont look to anyone but God, and Jesus Christ, for your salvation; or for anyone else to always be with you, in the good times and the bad; and to always remember that no one, but God, can, and will, deliver us from all evil BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT GOD IS OUR “STRONGHOLD” AND OUR “REFUGE.” He wants ALL of HIS children to ALWAYS DEPEND ON HIM for every single need that we have: whether its food to eat, or a safe place in which to sleep. Yes, God IS magnificent; and wonderful; and constant; and loving, beyond all our understanding! BUT, NEVER FORGET THAT WE ARE PROMISED MUCH MORE THAN WE CAN EVER COMPREHEND! It IS hard to try and imagine what our new live will be like when were in Heaven, especially when we try to comprehend ALL OF ETERNITY, WITH GOD, and with all those people, whom we love, whose name are written in the Book of Life! As the words to that very old hymn read, “When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, well sing and shout the victory” Heres to that day... THANK YOU, LORD, FOR YOUR PROMISES AND FOR YOUR EVERLASTING LOVE! IN JESUS NAME I PRAY, AMEN! God bless all of you; I love you, and Im always praying for you, and thanking God for putting each one of you in my life. Right now, Im praying, and Im hoping, that SOMEONE who reads this is smiling, right now!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 12:27:20 +0000

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