I have written this and posted it on my wall....im fed up with the - TopicsExpress


I have written this and posted it on my wall....im fed up with the garbage that is going on in this township....im sure i will end up in FB jail before its over with.....but it is what it is....you will find that i cannot keep my mouth shut, and while there is all this crap going on, i will continue to shout it to the rooftops.... Brenda Mitchel-Alcock I am amazed at all the fighting going on with regard to our Fire Department here in Bedford Township.....There was a forum started a couple of months ago, an open forum even, with regard to issues in this township...and things have gotten heated, because there is a good old boys club in place, always has been.....Now the good old boys club is being called on the carpet.....so members of this community, who are sucking up to the good old boys club, have started their own forum, closed of course....The township is divided with regard to this whole fire department bullshit, and now people are snooping into school records of kids in this district, the child of the woman who started the open forum, to be specific....now i ask each and everyone one of you, is that right? NO IT ISNT....if you jackasses who are playing this game paid more attention to what was going on in your township, with regard to the HUGE drug problem, you would have something else to concentrate on.....instead of the social climbing that has and is continues on in this township....GROW THE HELL UP, every one of you.....some got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, and are now scrambling to cover their asses.....i find it quite funny that grown people are acting like this.....Katy Box, Dave Box, Jeff Brushaber, and that one disappoints the hell out of me, he is a second generation fire fighter, his father was on the department with members of my husbands family years and years ago.....and his wife Amber is one of the ones who is releasing information about the kids in the school system...Brittany Hill is another one...e to find out, she is related to Joe Keane somehow.....You people want to name drop and dig dirt, dig it up on me, and have a great time trying....you want to dig dirt on my family, please do....because all it proves is you all have nothing better to do with your time.....except to kiss someones ass......sad that it has come to this in our township.....but like i said, there have ALWAYS been those who think they are better than others....well heres a newsflash....WE ALL PUT OUR PANTS ON THE SAME, AND IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR LAST NAME IS, YOU ARE JUST AS ORDINARY AS THE NEXT PERSON.....STOP IT!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 12:50:33 +0000

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