I have written this book to acquaint you with the life and mission - TopicsExpress


I have written this book to acquaint you with the life and mission of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) and how the spread Islam in Hindustan (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh). Like Hazrat Ghaus-e-Aazam (R.A.), Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) is also one of the greatest Valiullahs of all time. He was born about 900 years ago at a place called sanjar in Khurasan, somewhere East on Iran. His name is Moinuddin, but later he became known as Gharib Nawaz. Gharib Nawaz means benefactor of the poor or protector of the poor. He helped the poor, he listened to the problems of the poor and fulfilled their needs. He gave food to the poor and filled their empty stomachs. This is the reason people called him Gharib Nawaz. Going back to his childhood Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A) achieved a good deal of knowledge in his own home because his father was Alim-e-Deen. Then he joined madrasa in his own village to obtain further knowledge. When Khwaja Paak (R.A.) was about thirteen years old some very cruel people from the race called Tartari attacked Khurasan and killed the large number of people and destroyed many mosques and madrasa. When he was fourteen years old his father died. Then a few months later his mother died. This was a kind of tragedy for Khwaja Paak (R.A.) at this very early age which led him to contempt this world. He decided that this material world is nothing. Human beings can only achieve the real satisfaction of life and eternal happiness when they know God. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) always had love for pirs, buzurgs and durvesh type of people. One day whilst he was watering his garden he saw one buzurg called Hazrat Shaikh Ibrahim Qandoozi (R.A.) coming towards his garden. Immediately Khwaja Paak (R.A) left his work and went to greet him. He kissed his hand and invited him into his garden and seated him under the shade of a tree. He brought him a bunch of grapes from his garden tree and he himself sat down in front of him in respect. Hazrat Shaikh Ibrahim Qandoozi (R.A.) liked the attitude of Khwaja Paak, so he ate a few grapes with pleasure. Hazrat Shaikh Ibrahim Qandoozi (R.A.) was a valiullah and he realised by his vilayat that one day this boy Moinuddin (Khwaja Paak) is going to become one of the greatest valiullahs of all time. Hazrat Shaikh Ibrahim Qandoozi (R.A.) took some khali (dry cake made of sesame seeds) out of his pocket and chewed in little bit himself and then offered it to his young host. Khwaja Paak ate it without any hesitation and as soon as he swallowed it, the whole spiritual world was revealed in front of him. When Khwaja Paak became conscious, Hazrat Shaikh Ibrahim Qandoozi (R.A.) had gone away. But he left a desire in Khwaja Paaks heart to achieve those miraculous senses and to go into that spiritual world again and again. That was the turning point of his life. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) sold everything he had and gave away most of his money to the poor and set off on a journey to seek the truth. But he knew that the spiritual world cannot be achieved without a great deal more of Islamic knowledge and for that he travelled to many faraway places and countries. He went as far as Bukhara, and Samarquand in Russia, until he became one of the most learned scholars of his age. However, since Hazrat Shaikh Ibrahim Qandoozi (R.A.) made Khwaja Paak see that one sight of the true love of God, his patience was becoming uncontrollable. But, now his knowledge was showing him the way. He left Samarquand in search of pir-e-kamil (the true pir). H is knowledge taught him that this is the only way to enter the spiritual world. That is through a pir-e-kamil. He set of towards west from Samarquand and went on and on. Before this, he travelled for Islamic knowledge. Now he was travelling in search of a pir. On his way he met many great buzurgs and valiullahs and he gained a considerable amount of spiritual knowledge from them. But, somehow he kept on moving further and further. It was as if some hidden force was driving him towards his destination. So he kept on going until he reached a place called Haroon. Haroon was just a small village. However that village was shining brightly by the presence of the great valiullahs Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.). People came from faraway places to him with their problems and needs and no one went back empty handed. Love of God brought Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) to Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.). Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) found pir-e-kamil. He found his destination. Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) made Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) his mureed and disciple. He showed him everything that could be seen on heaven and earth. It is said that there are 18000 alams (worlds) in the Universe and Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) all the 18000 alams through his two fingers. Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) served his pir Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) for twenty years and day by day he gained more and more spiritual powers from him. When Great Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz(R.A.) became accomplished and perfect in every respect, the divine tutor and Pir, Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) honoured him with a robe and allowed him to go. Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) then proceeded to Makkah Sharif and performed Hajj. Thereafter went to Roza-e- Mubarak of Rasool-e-Paak Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (S.A.W.) in Madina Sharif and stayed there for some time. One night in a trance he was ordered by the Holy Prophet, O Moinuddin! You are moin (helper) of our faith. I give you the vilayat of Hind. Proceed to Hindustan and show the path of truth. Hind is another word for Hindustan. This means that Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) made Khwaja Paak a valiullah of entire Hindustan. Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W.) also instructed Khwaja Paak to go and settle at a place called Ajmer in Hindustan and spread Islam form Islam. Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) set off immediately towards Hindustan. On his way he met his Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Khwaja Usman Horooni (R.A.) in Baghdad Sharif. He congratulated Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) for his remarkable achievement of becoming the greatest valiullah of Hindustan. Among his companions and mureeds were great valiullahs like Hazrat Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (R.A.), Hazrat Mohammad Yadgar (R.A.), Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) and many others. Travelling across many lands and passing through famous places of that time, like Hirat, Sabzwana and Ghazni, they finally entered the fertile lands of five rivers, nmely Punjab. As they were coming down they met with fleeing soldiers of Sultan Shuhabuddin Mohammad Ghauris army who had received a defeat at the hands of Raja Purthvi Raj Chauhan, the raja (ruler) of Ajmer. Sultans soldiers advised Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) to cancel their journey and return, but he replied, Your venture depended on material strength, we have Allah Taalas support and are on the mission of love and service to Islam. We hope to conquer the hearts of mankind. So Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) and his companions continued forward. In Hindustan they first stayed at the Shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (R.A.) in Lahore, for forty days. Later they went to Delhi. Here they stayed at a place which was quite near to the Palace of Raja Khanday Rao, the raja of Delhi. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) made very pleasant speeches in the streets of Delhi and the non-Muslims began to flock there in increasing numbers. Allah Taala had given Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) such a talent that he could sway all those who listened to him. Everyone found truth in his speeches and they were so much inspired by his divine teachings and simplicity that they began to follow him. Many became his disciples. And why not? After all the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (S.A.W.) made him a valiullah of Hindustan. At this was causing great concern among Hindu leaders. Raja Khanday Rao gave orders to get Khwaja Paak (R.A.) out of Delhi immediately. But they could not succeed in doing this because whoever went to Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) was very much impressed by his outstanding personality and extraordinary conversation. So they could not force him into anything. After Raja Khanday Rao had lost all his methods of expelling him from Delhi he decided to assassinate Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.), but the man who went to kill him became a Muslim himself after confronting Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.). At first that man pretended to become a Muslim, with a knife hidden, may be under his sleeve, in order to stab Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) at the first chance. As everyone know that all great valiullahs can see what is hidden in our hearts; Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) said to him, Whats the use of just pretending, why dont you do what youve come to do? When he heard these words he began to tremble. Further more, he dropped his knife on the ground and fell into Hazrat Khwaja Paaks feet and became a proper Muslim. On his way to Ajmer he had converted many Hindus to Muslims. God Almighty Allah Taala granted him such a sight that he only had to took at the people with love and that converted their hearts to understand the truth. By the time they reached Ajmer he had converted many hundreds of Hindus to Muslims. On reaching Ajmer they sat down under the shade of a large tree to have a rest. Seconds later a few rough men appeared with camels and spoke to them harshly, Get up from here! This place is reserved for the Kings camels. There is so much space here, the camels can sit anywhere. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) replied. But, those men were very stubborn and they started to behave rudely. However Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) remained calm and got up from there. All right, well go somewhere else; your camels will stay here, he said, and walked down up to a large reservoir called Anasagar, with his mureeds. The next day the camel drivers came to take their camels away, but the camels simply would not get up. They pushed and pulled and did everything they could possibly do to make them stand up. Still the camels did not move. It was as if the ground had got hold of them very tightly. Then someone reminded them of the words of Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.), Your camels will stay here he said, so they are going to stay here. They cannot get up from here unless he says so. The camel drivers went to their King. The King of Ajmer was Purthvi Raj Chauhan. As you may know that in the past, Hindustan was divided into many different areas (states) and each area had their own ruler or raja. The raja of Delhi was Raja Khanday Rao, the raja of Ajmer was Raja Purthvi Raj. Similarly the other states had their own rajas. Raja Purthvi Rajs mother was an astrologer. She somehow, by observing the movements of the stars and the positions of the planets, managed to predict that one day a durvesh type of person will enter the land of Hindustan and will be responsible for overthrowing Purthvi Rajs Kingdom. But, Raja Purthvi Raj did not take any notice of her prediction because he was a very proud ruler. He was one of the most powerful rulers of that time in Hindustan. However, when he heard this first karamat (miracle) of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.), specially when his men told him that he looked like a durvesh type of person, fear entered his heart. He told his men to go to that durvesh immediately and ask him to forgive you for your harsh behaviour. The Rajas men did exactly as they were told by their King. Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) forgave them and said, By the kindness of Allah Paak your camels will get up now. The camel drivers were very pleased to hear these words and when they went there to see, their camels were standing up. Meanwhile Raja Purthvi Raj began to plan ideas to move Khwaja Paak (R.A.) out of Ajmer. Anasagar, where Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) and his men were staying, was a huge reservoir and its water was used by all the people of Ajmer. Nevertheless, the pandits (Hindu priests) of the nearby mandirs did not like Muslims using the water from the Reservoir. One day the pandits stopped few Muslims from taking water from the reservoir to perform wuzu and ghusl. They actually used force to stop them. The Muslims went to Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) with the complaint. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) gave one small bowl to one of his mureeds and told him to bring water in that bowl from the reservoir. When the pandits saw the mureed with just a small bowl in his hand, they let him pass. But, to everyones surprise, when he dipped the bowl into the reservoir, all the water from the whole reservoir came into that little bowl and the huge Anasagar was left dry. No one could believe their eyes. The pandits stood gaping at each other. The whole City of Ajmer was under panic. After sometime everyone became desperate for water. The rumour was that there are few Muslims staying near Anasagar and the pandits did not let them use the water from the reservoir, so they vanished the water by some form of magic. But it was not magic, of course, it was purely Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) karamat (miracle). One of the officials from the City came to Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.). He begged him to forgive the pandits for their mistake and pleaded with him to have mercy on everyone by making the water reappear. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) forgave the pandits and gave that bowl to his mureed. He told him to pour the water back into Anasagar. When he poured the water back, the whole reservoir became full of water again. Hundreds of Hindus were converted to Islam on seeing this miracle and Islam began to spread very fast in Ajmer too. The highest Hindu priest in Ajmer, called Shadi Dev, came down to the mandirs near Anasagar Reservoir. He was a man of great knowledge in Hinduism. He was the guru of all the gurus. Just like the Pope in Roman Catholic Christians. They treated him like their Bhagwan. He was really annoyed to see that fewer and fewer people were attending their mandirs and to see that so many Hindus and turned away from their religion and became Muslims. The pandits induced Shadi Dev to have a kind of debate against Khwaja Paak on Hinduism against Islam and they continued bewailing in order to arouse Shadi Devs anger. Shadi Dev come out of the mandir very angrily and walked towards Anasagar. All the pandits followed him. The pandits thought that he will teach Khwaja Paak a good lesson now. Shadi Dev went straight to Hazrat Khwaja (R.A.) was stopped just in front of him. Hazrat Khwaja (R.A.) was having a rest under the shade of a tree. Shadi Dev was extremely angry; but before he said anything, Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) looked up to his face. Immediately Shadi Dev started trembling and in the next moment fell into Khwaja Paaks feet reading Kalma Sharif. All the pandits were shocked to see their Bhagwan in Khwaja Paaks feet. Some of the pandits just followed the footsteps of their guru and became Muslims, whilst the others, who could not stand the sight of all this, rushed back into their mandirs, mumbling and grumbling. Later, Shadi Devs name was changed to a Muslim name Saad. Raja Purthvi Raj, the ruler of Ajmer, was becoming furious. Now, his greatest religious leader had become a Muslim. Raja Purthvi Raj had one more hope left and that was Ajay Pal, the magician. At that time magic and witchcraft in Hindustan was at its peak and Ajay Pal was the greatest magician in entire Hindustan. Raja Purthvi Raj called him into his Palace and explained to him the whole situation. Ajay Pal assured the King of wiping out Khwaja Paak (R.A.) and his entire mission in no time at all. He and his fellow magicians with a team of shaitans planned an attack on Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.). Ajay Pal had control over many jinns too. Jinns are one of the creations of God Almightly Allah Paak. They are created from fire. They are invisible creatures but some of them are given the ability to change themselves into a form of a human being or an animal or go into the body of a human being and angels, jinns have the intelligence to understand good and bad. Some of them believe in God and His Messengers, some do not. Those jinns who have accepted Islam are called paak jinns and those who are bad and non-Muslims are called shaitans. Ajay Pal, his fellow magicians and a team of shaitans, with serpents in their hands set off very fiercely in order to destroy Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A) and all his men. The entire malicious army of savages, beasts and shaitans marched altogether with frightened roars towards Anasagar. Suddenly they all stopped somewhere a little distance from Hazrat Khwaja Gharib (R.A) and his mureeds. The new Muslims who were sitting with Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) at that time, were terrified to come face with Ajay Pal and his evil force. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) stood up quickly and drew a circle around themselves on the ground with his finger and said, Dont go out of this circle and youll be safe. Ajay Pal and his magicians let go of the snakes from their hands. The snakes moved towards the circle to bite them. They reached up to the circle but could not enter the circle. In fact when they touched the circle they caught fire and burned out. One by One all the snakes were destroyed. When the magicians saw that their first magic did not work they began to create and throw fire at the circle. Once again, the fire could not enter and circle. Not only that, when the fire touched the circle it returned back to them, burning many of the magicians. Ajay Pal was becoming very angry and violent. He decided to attack from above; so he started to fly by his magic power. When Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) saw Ajay Pal moving up to attack he took his slippers out and commanded them to bring him down. Khwaja Paaks slippers rose up. They went above Ajay Pals head and began to strike on his head. They kept on beating and pushing him down until he fell down onto to the ground. Ajay Pal finally gave up. He started crying. God Almighty Allah Taala showed him to truth of Islam. All the magicians accepted Islam with him, as well as all the people who saw these happenings. Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) changed Ajay Pals name to s Muslim name Abdullah, and very soon he became a valiullah. Abdullah offered a part of his property to Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) and begged him to come and stay at his place. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) accepted his request and went to stay there. The palce where Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) is now resting in peace (The Mazar Sharif) was, at one time, Abdullahs (Ajay Pals) property. After Shadi Dev and Ajay Pal had become Muslims, hundreds of people began to accept Islam. Very soon there were many thousands of new Muslims in Hindustan. Then Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) sent a message to Raja Purthvi Raj Chauhan to accept Islam. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) wrote, This way you will be able to keep your kingdom as well as being happy in this world and the world after death. Otherwise, remember that there is sorrow for you in both worlds. But his stone heart did not melt. Instead, he was raging with fury. He wanted revenge. He could not take it anymore. He could not anything directly to Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) so he become cruel to all those who turned to Islam. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) ordered hi to stop cruelty to Muslims, but he ignored his warning. Furthermore he wrote back to Khwaja Paak (R.A.), Move out of Ajmer within one week, otherwise youll be forced out. Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) did not like his attitude and said, Ive captured Purthvi Raj alive and gave him in the custody of the Muslim Army. By now everyone had a complete faith in Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawazs words. They knew that whatever he said will happen. Now the Muslims were just waiting for Purthvi Rajs capture to relieve them from his cruelty. On the same night when Hazrat Khwaja Paak (R.A.) spoke these words, Sultan Shuhabuddin Mohammad Ghauri, who was the leader of Khurasan, had a dream that one buzurg was saying to him, Shuhabuddin, God Almighty Allah Taala has given you the Kingdom of Hindustan. Get up and capture that tyrant Purthvi Raj punish him. Sultan Shuhabuddin who had lost a battle against Raja Purthvi Raj a year ago enters the Land of Hindustan, once again with an army of 12,000 men with a different spirit altogether this time. When Raja Purthvi Raj heard this news he sent messages to all the Rajas of Hindustan to help him. Altogether 150 Rajas, each with his own army of best soldiers, horses and elephants came to his rescue. All in all, Rajas had gathered over 300,000 Rajput soldiers on horse and many more on foot. They also had more than 3,000 elephants which could crush men like ants. All those against Sultan Shuhabuddin Mohammed Ghauris army of only 120,000 men. Not all of them were on horse and they had no elephants. The ratio was at least 3:1 in favour of the Rajas. Both armies faced each other in a huge battlefield. Looking at Rajas giant army frightened Shuhabuddin for a moment. But immediately he gathered his courage and began to plan the battle. He split his army into four groups with a leader for each group. His strategy was to send one group at a time to make Rajas soldiers tired before sending the other groups. He sent his first group of 30,000 men to attack against Rajas 300.000 men. The battle field began in the morning and by the time he sent his third group the intensity of afternoon heat commenced. The battle had continued for hours on end and both sides had lost many lives. However, since Rajas army outnumbered Sultan Shuhabuddins army, he felt that he could not gain much even by sending the last group now. Sp he used another tactic. He gave orders to his fighting soldiers to retreat and run as to save their lives. Here Sultans idea was to make the Rajas army exhaust themselves by letting them chase his soldiers towards his last group. He still has 12,000 strongest and by far the best soldiers awaiting his order to attack. When Sultan Shuhabuddin saw the Rajas soldiers were completely exhausted and had broken their line of defence in the excitement of victory, he gave orders to his last group to attack. Rajas tired soldiers were no match for Sultan Shuhabuddins very strong and fresh soldiers. Hundreds and hundreds of Rajput soldiers were killed instantly. This gave new confidence to Sultans tired soldiers too. His soldiers even confused the elephants by their swift movement, so the elephants started to crush their own men. The battle was coming to an end. When the Rajas was that they were losing, they began to run for their lives. Anyhow, they were pursed and killed. Raja Khanday Rao, the Raja of Delhi, was also killed in this battle. Raja Purthvi Raj was captured alive and was later punished by execution. Allah Taala gave the victory to Sultan Shuhabuddin Mohammad Ghauri over 150 states of Hindustan. When Sultan Shuhabuddin entered the City of Ajmer with his army, he heard the sound of Azan. He was really surprised to hear azan in Ajmer. He was towards the sound and saw that few men were getting ready for namaz. He prayed namaz with them. After namaz the came into contact with the Imam, Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.). Immediately he recognised Khwaja Paak (R.A.) from his dream. This is the buzurg who foretold me of my victory in the dream, he said to himself. Sultan Shuhabuddin tried to fall into dream Khwaja Paaks feet but he lifted him up and embraced him. Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) made him his mureed. Soon Sultan Shuhabuddin Mohammad Ghauri captured the rest of the states of Hindustan, and Hindustan became one Muslim Country. However, remember that, before Sultan Shuhabuddin Mohammad Ghauri entered the land of Hindustan for the battle, Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) Had converted approximately nine million Hindus to Muslims. His mission was to conquer the hearts of mankind and he very successfully did. Today there are over two hundred million Muslims in Hindustan (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) alone. But now, purely due to our weakness in obedience to Islam, Hindustan has been divided into three parts: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, of which the largest part (India) has gone back into the hands of the Hindus. Nevertheless, whenever you go to Ajmer Sharif and visit the Darbar Sharif (Shrine) of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) you will see that multitude of pilgrims, devotees and seekers of spiritual and mental peace, irrespective of creed and religion (Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and many others) come to bow their heads at the Mazar Sharif. Undoubtedly, the never-ending kingdom in Hindustan is the Kingdom of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) WAHABI DEOBANDI SALAFI AHLE HADAS NAJDI MUNAFIQ JAHANNAMI ISKE BARE MAY KYA BOLTA HAIN DEKH LE WALI KA HINDUSTAN MAY AANA AUR SARE MUSLAMANO KO KALMA PADANE.BATA TERE KOI BAAP NE AISA KIYA PROOF DE .................................? *********************************
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 04:55:30 +0000

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