I have written this story more than once, to those who have heard - TopicsExpress


I have written this story more than once, to those who have heard and understand it, I apologize. But its never in our history, been so appropriate. Most of you know I have been a Freemason for many years. I had the advantage of having wonderful mentors, men who knew the constitution and founders better than most so called historians. I had them there for me as I went all the way through the chairs. But a story that stuck with me, concerning the founding of the country. As some of you may know, some of the ideas contained in our founding documents are Masonic. But anyway the story. When I became master of my lodge, I inherited a situation not unlike we face in Washington today. But on a much smaller scale of course. Wanting to do my very best. I contacted the man who was responsible for me entering masonry. His name was Manny Speigelman. I could have gone to mentors in number five, but I chose to go to my original mentor. The situation was there were two powerful groups in the lodge. Not all the members, but two very vocal groups. I was getting pressure from both to go a certain direction. About a 180 degrees opposite each other. I called Manny and asked for advice. His answer confused me at first. I explained the two groups pushing and pulling. How I was afraid for the unity of the lodge. Anyway his answer was. GOOD, GOOD. I didnt understand, he went on to explain, that the way a lodge or a constitutional republic works is through that push and pull. Checks and balances. I, as master, wasnt there to dictate, I was there to find the common ground on things we could work on. Move forward on them. To lead. If any one group has the power to ignore the other coequal branches, then they are not coequal. It is a kingship or a dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what we were formed to put an end to. With our country split down the middle 50/50. If one side has no input into the laws and our direction dictated by one man, all that will occur, is that the 50 percent will feel betrayed and this leads to perpetual conflict. Thats why we have the congress to beat each other up, agree on a law, which the president signs into law, and the supreme court gives the seal of approval and finds it meets constitutional muster. What has transpired is over the last few presidents, each more and more, is the Executive Order. It signs into law via a new regulation or change to an existing law. The president was never meant to be able to change a law, nor do work arounds of a house of congress. Its unconstitutional, and if looked at by a neutral supreme court, would be found so. Thats why the people who sit on the supreme court are so coveted. President Obama has made his intentions known. He intends to make law wherever he can, by decree or in todays language, use an executive order. Manny explained to me that this breeds separation between the people, and at some point, power will exchange hands and the new king will work to change, by executive order all the decrees issued by the previous ruler. Democratic process is meant to work slow, its meant to bring two sides together to find common ground and make changes in our way of life....slowly. when a president ignores the other branches, he is not doing his job, he is supposed to be a leader and bring the sides together, so all are involved. All law is a comprise. One all citizens can obey and not feel as though they are being ignored or being forced. I promise you many many millions of people today feel they are being fir ed and have no voice. The dozens of changes and date pushbacks, the groups given extensions or exclusions from the ACA, all these decrees by the president are illegal. The law was written, excepted and voted on by an all democratic house and senate, signed into Law by a democratic president. Therefore LAW. I didnt like it, but it was law. No group or person can just change a law without going thru congress again to modify the law. Same with the justice department, it cant pick and choose parts of laws it will enforce. This occurs all the time today. Each new president, each new attorney general pushes the boundaries more than the last. Is that really the country you want to live in? Because you must remember. Power WILL change hands, and if not stopped, this trend will extend and expand to the other side someday. Then a new dictatorship will be born. We are not there yet, but we are inches away. I dont for the record think we are living in a dictatorship, but we are in that path. This was foreseen by our founders who gave us the co-equal branches to make sure we never had a king or a ruling class. It could he argued we now have both in spirit, and are headed down that road at 120 mph. I implore you, do not allow this to take root in this country, it will lead to either civil war, or terrible retribution when the other side takes power, and unless you are planning a soviet style communism, power will change. All suspect laws should be challenged by a neutral supreme court to see if they are constitutional, as it was meant to be. And our leader must get it out of his head that he can ignore his oath of upholding the constitutuon of the United States. Beware, for the sake of allowing our party to hold into power or to move forward on social programs we may want, we put the whole country on the edge of a very dangerous cliff. Pappy
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 07:24:41 +0000

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