I havent been feeling all that well the last few days and - TopicsExpress


I havent been feeling all that well the last few days and succumbed to a mid-day nap today. My dream (?): I was like a Simpson character mixed with Lego. I had a boyfriend named Carlos. I was blue and he was white. We had a friend with us too, some nameless guy. Anyhow, we were celebrating the day that 360 years ago, some dude in a spaceship fought for us all to give us our freedom on our planet. Think a cross between Fourth of July festivities and Remembrance Day, with a dash of Glastonbury Festival. Carlos and I get separated for a bit. He comes back and he doesnt seem quite himself, at all. Well, as it turns out....Carlos is no longer Carlos. Hes the dude that saved our planet 360 years ago, but hes time traveled and taken on Carlos body. Turns out he wasnt trying to save our planet, he had been trying to destroy it and botched it. This Carlos is a foul-mouthed, space/time traveler with a bad attitude. He kidnaps me and nameless dude and takes us to a gas station where this guy who is a tall skinny Homer Simpson is gassing up a car. Homer-a-like turns out to be a bad guy too and stuffs us into the car sticking Carlos and I both in the drivers seat. The plan is to try to destroy the world again. Homer at this point tells Carlos to drive us all to the landing site of the spaceship but alas, Carlos doesnt know how to drive a car, only spaceships. I started laughing in Carlos face, and thats when I woke up. If anyone wants the name of the medication I purchased...?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:19:33 +0000

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