I havent been playing too much ladder lately but over the last few - TopicsExpress


I havent been playing too much ladder lately but over the last few days I encountered a lot of hunter and zoo while playing ranked so I made a priest deck that counters those decks pretty heavily. The inclusion of pyromancer allows you to pick off low health minions and shadow word pain is a backup plan against undertaker that is buffed just out of pyro range. It also works in control matchups because basically every deck ever runs sludge belcher.The deck also has a very strong matchup against shaman and is decent against most midrange decks. The real weakness of the deck is against control decks such as warrior, ramp druid, and the control version of priest. These matchups usually depend pretty heavily on getting lucky thoughsteals and drawing well. If you were to encounter more control decks you could make changes such as removing holy smite and the two pyromancers and adding ysera, mind control, and cairne/big game hunter/Harrison jones depending on the decks you encounter most. Hope this helps anybody else being trampled by hunters every other game =D
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:33:54 +0000

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