I havent spent much time on this wall in quite a while - I - TopicsExpress


I havent spent much time on this wall in quite a while - I apologize for my lengthy absences here. I spend most of my time on the second wall, at Lisa Dennis Sparks. and I share to this wall - but its just not the same as when I log in over here and hang out with you guys.....:) Both walls are public, so please feel free to come over to the second wall anytime you wish and see whats going on over there as well!!! SO MUCH is happening right now in bible prophecy........its IMPERATIVE that we keep ourselves informed and as up to date as possible so we can anticipate what is coming next. I dont believe the economy is going to collapse here in America before the King arrives and the first evacuation of the children and the believers who are bearing fruit takes place. People are marrying and giving in marriage when the King arrives, and weddings COST MONEY. If the USA goes into financial meltdown before the rapture, we would take the rest of the world down with us. Thats global economic collapse if the USA goes down - atleast for all those in the Western world such as the USA, EU, UN, UK, and NATO. The BRICS would probably remain standing through it - but even they will take a tremendous hit when that global event takes place. THE CHILDREN ARE ALL GONE.....EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. People cant cope - cant handle it and there will be massive numbers of suicides. The USA isnt going down UNTIL after the rapture. There are enough believers in the USA to keep the forces of evil from taking us down fully before the rapture. We have authority right now.......and AUTHORITY IS EVERYTHING. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and the Israeli Air Force (IAF) are spanking some bad dogs in Gaza and Hamas is showing themselves WIMPY as usual. It gets so OLD listening to those crybabies. They fire rockets at Israel, and then CRY, WHINE, COMPLAIN, and THREATEN when Israel responds to their assault. They never seem to learn that when you fire rockets at someone - THEY ARE GOING TO RESPOND.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:08:44 +0000

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