I havent spoken my mind about this situation in Ferguson yet but - TopicsExpress


I havent spoken my mind about this situation in Ferguson yet but in light of the peace officers resignation & continued protesting & now the demand of his new brides resignation as well, here comes my rant... I think its a shame that in this day & age, in a country where the president is a black Muslim, that we can simplify an officers decision to use his firearm as an act of racism. Gun powder residue on this hoodlums body is proof that he in fact was not running away with his hands in the air but struggling with the officer. If I were an officer faced with potentially being harmed versus plugging the person breaking the law, Id shoot him too! If you dont want to get arrested dont break the law! If you dont want to get shot, dont pick a fight with an officer!!! Now to these hoodlums & looters who call themselves protesters... You are nothing but criminals defending a criminal who was breaking the law when he was shot. Defacing the city you live in & burning the flag that REAL men & women shed their own blood & sacrificed their own lives to defend so that YOU PEICES OF GARBAGE could have the freedom to behave like common criminals, is atrocious! When you burn an American flag you are spitting on the graves of BLACKS, WHITES, and EVERY OTHER person whos blood is woven into the very fabric of that icon of the freedom you are abusing when you act out like this! You dont deserve to live in this country or to call yourselves Americans. This wasnt an act of racism, it was an act of upholding the law which is why there was no indictment! What YOU are doing, however IS an act of violence against your country. This is NOT a civil rights movement. Its an act of terrorism. And YOU my friends, are TRASH.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:22:52 +0000

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