I havent updated in a while just because I cant wrap my mind - TopicsExpress


I havent updated in a while just because I cant wrap my mind around all I wanted to say. Ive been noticing more and more of little things that Kendles been doing and shes recently been performing more consistently. For one, she is finally having the opportunity to learn the meaning of the word NO! I know I told you about her loving the dishwasher, but her mischief has expanded. She loves opening the trash can and digging in it, raiding the pantry, taking toys from her sister and seeking out crumbs on the ground. This is the first time that we really feel like were constantly having to think ahead of her - for instance, I know we need to watch the stove. The trashcan is right next to it and its only a matter of time before shes reaching up to a burner to see whats going on! Were starting to give the back burners some activity :) Along those lines, with her new knowledge of no, shes learning to communicate no! An example would be at breakfast this morning. Kendle was perfectly happy eating her oatmeal that I had prepared for her. Usually, food is a non-issue. If you put it in her mouth, shell eat it no matter what it tastes like (hence seeking crumbs off the ground). Well, when she saw my breakfast, she decided that she had to have THAT. She would not even touch her oatmeal, her drink or anything else I attempted to give her. I couldnt share mine because it wasnt gluten free, but she didnt care. She just kept whining, pushing me out of the way and reaching to get to my bowl. Along with Kendles curiosity, she has been establishing and sustaining attention with toys and people longer. She will establish eye-contact, initiate smiles and seek out toys. When she was younger, we got her a toy cat that will run from her and encourage her to chase her. We thought it would help motivate her to crawl. We were wrong. In fact, most therapists will tell me that she is their toughest client because shes not motivated by much! As a therapist, I can relate - if child isnt motivated by your go-to toys, games, high praise or candy, you have your work cut out for you! Kendle has always been that tough kid. Since shes been showing more interest around the house, I decided to try this cat again. This time it worked! She loved it! She will chase it for about 5 minutes at a time and will just sit on the floor and laugh at it while they get in a staring contest. Its so fun to watch! Lastly, Kendle showed more of her sassy side today. She and her little sister, Kimber, sat in a grocery cart together for the first time. Initially, all was well and they both were content with some mild entertainment from me. Then, Kendle decided to take her entertainment into her own hands and began slapping Kimber on the head. After telling her no several times and redirecting her, Kendle got creative. Shed act like she was stretching and poke her elbow into Kimbers head and then lean into her!! She had this sneaky smirk on her face each time she did it! Needless to say, the shopping was cut short and Wade was so awesome to run by the store and finish my shopping for me on his way home. Im sure theres plenty more to share, but Ive shared enough blessings for one night! These are definitely blessings that we are proud of and thankful for; but any parent knows that each milestone is a double-edged sword! Thanks again for checking on our girl!! Here are some pictures of her with the cat and the start of our grocery trip :)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 01:34:09 +0000

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