I haven’t been able to update you since August 7th when I was - TopicsExpress


I haven’t been able to update you since August 7th when I was taken back the hospital because my leg was actually getting worse even after each physical therapy session. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last week after each therapy session, within minutes all of the muscles in my thigh would get so tight and super sensitive that I could not move my leg at all or touch it. Even something simple as shifting my weight to reach for something would set of incredible pain, and even coughing would set it off. The soreness and sensitivity would last up to five hours at a time. It took a couple of days and calling the Director of the rehab area, threatening that if they did not take me seriously and call my doctor that there would be hell to pay. The director did take me seriously enough to call me doctor’s office and my appointment got moved up to last Wednesday. But before sending me off to the doctor the rehab staff decided to put me thru another session before the ambulance came and got me to take me to the hospital and this time they did more rehab on my leg than in the prior sessions. By the time the ambulance made it to the hospital and the doctor was about to check me out, my muscles in my leg tightened up became much more sensitive than before. That’s why they couldn’t get me of the gurney to take the x-rays. This time my doctor actually heard the pain I was in and came to see me when they pulled me out of the x-ray room. He came over to shake my hand and explain to me that they needed to get the x-ray so they could rule out any fractures and see if my leg was aligned properly. When I shook his hand I gave him real healthy hand shake and grabbed his arm with my other hand and didn’t let go until I told him that I trusted that he was going to be able to figure out what was going on and I wasn’t leaving until I knew what was wrong. He told me that they were going to readmit me take the x-rays and do several other things that I thought they were going to do the first time before they sent me off to the rehab facility which was really a nursing home that had rehab area. This was a different facility than the first one (still a nursing home though). Wednesday they took the x-ray and I’m certain everyone in the area heard me as hard as I tried to hold back the pain. The shot for pain they gave me didn’t do anything. I’m sure the EMT’s were wondering how they were going to get their gurney back. The doctor showed my wife the x-rays and there were no fractures and the hip looked fine. Once I got to my room I guess the shot for pain finally kicked in enough to allow them to move me from the gurney to the hospital bed so the EMT’s could leave. The nurse came up and took a lot of blood for the lab work which I was told came back negative for whatever they were checking for. The they took me for a CAT Scan. The next morning when the doctor came back up to tell me the results of CAT scan were good along with everything else. He also mentioned he was going to see about have a nerve block done to see if that would help. I told him that I’ve had two weeks of suffering and time to figure out a bunch of things to help aide in figuring this out and I wasn’t about to be sent back to the rehab for more of the same. After listening to what I told him he changed some of my medications and the dosages and low and behold the next morning I was able to get up out of bed without hardly and help at all. I was able to sit on the side of the bed and get up on a walker just about by myself. They called a physical therapist in to help work with me and he was absolutely amazed. I was able to lift my leg up off the floor with ease. I could step from side to side with no pain. He asked me what I wanted to try next and I said I wanted to walk, and I did with almost no help what so ever. I could put full weight on my leg, I could straighten up, walk backwards. I got around better than I did after my first hip replacement. After the PT left I sat up on the side of the bed for hours using my leg, exercising it with hardly any pain at all. After I finally laid back down my leg did not tighten up on me like before. The next morning I got up with no help I was able to walk around with no help and use the restroom with no help. My PT just happened to walk by and say me standing up on my own and was blown away. He came in and worked with me some more and I was able to show him all the new stuff I could do since the day before. Thursday the doctor had a Neurologist come in to check me out for possible nerve damage and he couldn’t believe the progress I made since Wednesday and a doctor came is to see if I may need the nerve block to help with the pain. I was able to explain to him everything and show him what I could do now and he was blown away as well. So no nerve block. When my doctor came in Friday after noon he asked me “what happened?” I keep getting all these really good reports on you. I answered, “This time people listened to me.” He said, I guess you want to go home. I said yes I do. We left there Friday afternoon I took a shower and got dressed up to go to a get together at my wife’s, cousin’s house. I slept all day Saturday to make up for the two weeks of no sleep I got after the surgery. Sunday I got around on the walker but felt like I could have made it on my Cain. My wife was being overly cautious Monday I got around mostly on my Cain with no problems. In a couple days I’ll be off my cain even and walking the neighborhood. Now that unbearable pain is all but gone and I hardly feel it at all. It’s more like a Charlie horse than anything else.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 05:30:40 +0000

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