I hear ALOT of people especially those who proclaim to be - TopicsExpress


I hear ALOT of people especially those who proclaim to be CHRISTIAN say that JAH(GOD) isnt a MAN!!! Now when the CHRISTIAN WORLD finds out that GOD is REAL a lot you are gonna just tumble down because your on an IMAGE thing when it comes to the DIVINE UNDERSTANDING of the WORD!!! You dont know that GOD is a MAN??? Just as CHRIST which was GOD in the flesh in the form of his SON as a LIVING MAN!!! But you claim to know the EVERLIVING TRUE GOD you serve??? The CHURCHs teaching the word based off ILLUSIONS of who they think GOD is and what he looks like thats why people are confused when it comes to the TRUE DIVINE understanding of his word they cant relate!!! And all the CHRISTIANS they looking to the SKY hoping that GRAVITATION will be there DESTINATION!!! If u spit up in the SKY then well is that spit gonna land? Back in your FACE!!! So your telling me that HEAVEN is up in the SKY??? See GOD is a GOD of NATURE so things have to make sense!!! GOD has TWO kingdoms his EARTHLY kingdom which is in ETHIOPIA AFRICA which is called THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH and his HEAVENLY kingdom which is prepared to be present here on the EARTH when like in REVELATION it tells you that his SPIRITUAL kingdom is gonna bind with his EARTHLY kingdom and there shall be a NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH!!! Think about it research your HISTORY as well as read the WORD because very soon GOD&HISTORY shall be your JUDGE!!! -Yotie (((JAH RASTAFARI))) HAILE SELASSIE is the KING OF KINGs LORD OF LORDs CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH LIGHT OF THE WORLD DEFENDER OF THE FAITH!!! (CHRIST in his second coming in his NEW NAME!!! HAILE SELASSIE MEANS POWER OF THE TRINITY
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:32:35 +0000

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