I hear Democrats asking what Republicans are offering as a - TopicsExpress


I hear Democrats asking what Republicans are offering as a solution to the abomination they call the ACA. I actually thought about this for a bit and then it dawned on me what conservatives consider as the solution to just about anything. Let the free market figure it out like they have everything else before government came along with its grand ideas. Conservatives are against big government because government almost always comes up with extremely complicated solutions to age old problems. Instead of helping the situation, they only complicate it and make life miserable for just about everyone in the end. The free market forces providers to satisfy their customers. If customers can choose from an unlimited number of provider solutions and then complain when something isnt just right the provider is forced to either fix things or lose customers. They dont have years to get it right for when people start switching, a provider can wind up out of business overnight. They have to respond quickly. Government never reacts swiftly to anything. Things can be unacceptable and all that government gives you is the brush off. Sure you can write a dozen letters to your representatives and beg others to do the same but it would take years to get anything to happen. So what is the Republican solution? How about government backing off and letting citizens deal with these issues directly? Oh, you say that if the insurance companies or providers who wish to play both parts get unlimited power in this arena that they will hike prices and make rules that are ridiculous in order to hold on to more and more of the money? What do you think government and insurance companies are doing now? Government is adding insult to injury but forcing insurance companies to cover more which means they have to raise their prices to offset the cost of doing that. Many of them are pulling out of the health insurance business because they are paying out more than they take in. Not only that but government is raising taxes to help cover the cost of taking care of bills for people who dont have insurance. We can sit and argue all day about this but count me out. Im only sharing what is the Republican solution and that is to let the free market have the ball. That has always been the Republican solution. Fixing government programs that arent working out isnt their solution because they arent interested in giving government more and more responsibility along with the incredible expenses of that responsibility. They are trying to keep the cost of government down so we get to keep more of our money.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:46:10 +0000

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