I hear His whisper... Look at you now! Who is this coming up - TopicsExpress


I hear His whisper... Look at you now! Who is this coming up out of the wilderness? See what My grace has done in your life! You will begin to understand My ways as you discern how I have transformed your life. Just one year ago you did know Me as you know Me today. See how My love has healed you inside and out. Look at you now! You are arising as a daybreaking champion, ready to run your race! Others have seen your weakness and pasted upon your soul, Failure!, Defeated, Going Nowhere! But I have spoken over you, Fruitful! Healed! Destined for Me Glory! Whose words will you listen to? Many focus on your past, but I have established you in My destined purpose and will not fail to bring you out of the wilderness that has confined you. Look at you now! How different you have become through My process of refinement and maturity. The days of defeat are behind you, and you will NEVER see them again! My open hands invite you further into My ways. You have asked Me to bring you into a closer relationship with Me, and now I offer to you more than friendship, I offer you My heart. Come and be with Me, sit enthroned in the place of elevated glory, and you will see with new eyes. You will never moan over your failures when you gaze upon My fullness. See yourself, My beloved, as one who is fit for a King, prepared to finish the race I have set before you! Look at you now, My radiant one! Who is this coming up out of the wilderness? It is a company of triumphant ones who lean upon the Lover of their souls, and no longer lean upon their own strength. Look at you now— Arising as the dayspring of the dawn, Fair as the shining moon. Bright and brilliant As the sun in all its strength. Astonishing to behold As a majestic army Waving banners of victory. Song of Songs 6:10 The Passion Translation
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 14:29:39 +0000

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