I hear more and more political analysts - mostly leftists - who - TopicsExpress


I hear more and more political analysts - mostly leftists - who cite demographic changes - more blacks and hispanics voting - as being signs of the demise of the Republican Party. Now, Im no fan of the GOP, but a few questions come to mind. What is it about prospect of blacks and hispanics coalescing their power as voting blocks that appeals to liberals? Why do they seem to relish one (or two) groups of people lording it over another group, using the power of the state as their weapon? Why is the power of the free market - the simple fact that anyone may succeed financially simply by providing a product/service that others voluntary purchase - frightening to them? Why is that the power of the state to use force to coerce certain behavior, to confiscate wealth from one group for the benefit of another, is the desired culmination of a struggle for equality, the comeuppance and due punishment for a mythical, non-existent, yet purportedly malevolent and omnipotent crowd of hateful racists, a victory and reward for the downtrodden who finally will get their turn as the oppressor? Why cant they see the evil they spawn when they put their (and YOUR) fate in the hands of evangelists for state power?
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 19:30:17 +0000

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