I hear some people call Jomo Kenyatta founding father ...yes he is - TopicsExpress


I hear some people call Jomo Kenyatta founding father ...yes he is ...of corruption,tribalism n political assasinations.Go back to history n read about Kenyatta & Odinga.You will undetstand why only Raila can redeem our nation.Kenyatta grabbed all the land he cud lay his hands on..wr will never forget he killed #Tom_Mboya. n JJ kariuki.On the other hand Oginga fought for the first liberation,Raila was in the fight for multi party.uhuru was nowhere in the seen.We must look where we are from to know where we are headed.The real Kikuyu hero we have is Dedan Kimathi.the others are imposters...we are all suffering...Kisii,kamba,luo,kikuyu,luhya n our problem is one,poor leadership by one#Uhuru..sabasaba wont solve the problem PAP! but it will lay down the framework for redemption from these evils.Dialogue can hapen in parliament becoz psycophants like Duale,sonko,kindiki n kikuyu mp will defend all evil of jubilee all said.....WE BETTER DIE ON OUR FEET THAN LIVE ON OUR KNEES...peace prevail.Long live Kenya
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 07:11:14 +0000

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