I hear the argument that theres nothing wrong with GMOs and its - TopicsExpress


I hear the argument that theres nothing wrong with GMOs and its just a shortcut in something humans have been doing since we first settled down and started growing food instead of chasing it. However, the actual process of directly modifying the genetic material of an organism by splicing is an unprecedented approach to shaping our world. Yes, many if not all of our traditional food crops have been modified over the ages by the practice of saving seed. This is what i like to think of as collaborative evolution, we kind of just made room for ourselves amid the earths flora and fauna. All the while the organisms we were dependent on became dependent on us, but they were also exposed to the elements so any errors in this process were cleaned up. Transgenic organisms (GMOs) are skipping natures review process as it were. In addition to presenting traits that are incongruous with the natural environment, genetically modified organism lack the genetic stability of more traditionally modified organisms. This leads to cancers, accelerates mutation and the diversity of associated pathogens. An example of a GMO which has become a noxious and invasive pest is BT Cotton. This is a strain of Cotton that has been modified to secrete a pesticide to protect it from predatory insects, mites, aphids and the like. In nature, many plants secrete pyrethrin and other pheromones which repel or discourage pests, preserving its place in the eco system without harming the environment. BT Cotton however, does not play by the rules. The pesticide that it secretes KILLS insects that come into contact with it. Those of you who paid attention in biology will realize that this effects the micro-ecology in a serious way. As BT Cotton is similar enough to cross pollinate with natural cottons, this trait becomes prevalent throughout the communities wherein the crops are farmed. Naturally, the micro climate becomes unstable, pollinating insects die off, predatory insects die off, herbivorous insects die off and the cycle of life is broken as the knock on effects destabilize the whole Eco-system. Considering that, are GMOs really going to save the world in times of skyrocketing population, a changing climate and growing scarcity? or are they creating more scarcity, poverty and hunger as they continue to destroy biodiversity and contribute to the systemic collapse of the natural world?
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 10:13:30 +0000

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