I heard Midnight growling. She is really good at hissing, growling - TopicsExpress


I heard Midnight growling. She is really good at hissing, growling and making weird noises when she isnt happy. Shes the perfect evil, black cat! She was mad because Spock jumped up to look out the window. She really doesnt like to share. It took years for me to get my black cat and shes truly mine. Anyone else who tries to hold her gets the hissing, growling and fighting to get away. I love that girl! She has great taste! It looks like the clothes are already dry, so I could take them down, or just wait until this evening. I have to go to town to get a part for my PT cruiser. It looks like it is fairly easy to put in. Shawn can explain to Paul and then he will do the work. Shawn has been stumped by this problem. Hes talked with my dad, mechanic friends, dealers and parts people in addition to reading different sources in manuals and online. Hope this works because the pick up really isnt the best form of transportation for Shawn with his heel. Also, I miss my car!!! Last night I went to shut off the sprinkler for the garden. Anna came running past me with something in her mouth and hit me with it as she ran by. Shes been raiding the woodshed again. Today she and Dambi are playing as usual but when Dambi got too close to Annas new stick, Anna had to make sure to get it. The geese are enjoying their pool on these hot days. Its amazing how fast they muck up their water, but it sure is great fertilizer for the trees! I was looking at the sticker bushes that invaded the flowerbed next to the pasture. A flock of goldfinches stopped by to check them. I guess Ill leave them as food for the birds.Hows that for an excuse to get out of weeding?!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:42:04 +0000

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