I heard Rudy Giuliani on Fox this morning. He was asked who he - TopicsExpress


I heard Rudy Giuliani on Fox this morning. He was asked who he thought would be the GOP nominee. Even though every poll that Ive seen that had them at 1 % or less in the polls, he named Jeb Bush and Chris the Obama Ass Kisser Christi. Boys and girls; if we want our country back, were Going to have to fight like hell. That means we will have to do more of the leg work, due to the alarming amount of people who dont care that our freedom finishes more each day. Please, please, please, let me know if you are willing to help spread the word, either from your home, or spreading flyers, or any way. No, I dont like doing political crap myself, but hundreds of thousands of Good Men and Women have given their lives for this great country, and Ill be darned if I will sit idly by while this New World Order will take over control of our country. If you dont believe it, google it, google United Nations Agenda 21, where they explain how they will divide all our personal land to be used as the government sees fit; that is after they take it away from us for pennies on the dollar. I realize some of you idiots are too lazy and stupid to see what is going on around you, and Im not even wasting my berm earth talking to you cowards. Im talking to the American people that were born and raised to have courage and to stand up to the bullies in this world. I pray for our leaders to stop giving away our sovereignty to these Radical Islamic countries and to stop giving our hard earned money to nations that hate us and giving it to the men and women who are protecting us from harm; the US Military, as theyve earned it and many are wounded, dying, and walking around shitting bricks because theyve been under stress for too many tours. Im just asking for people to take a stand against the socialist/Communist a-holes that have been trying to make this country into another Dump like France for the last 100 yrs. We were fortunate enough to be born in, and or live in the best country on earth, and its time to take a stand for crying out loud. I know many of your dads who fought in wars for this country. My brother in law has been through 3 tours in Iraq, and several others across this world because America is worth it, even at the cost of never being able to see his kids. All we have to do is get involved like we did on 911, because this time the enemy is coming from our own government, and they have basically thrown away the constitution and started doing what they want. Come on Friends and Neighbors, TAKE A STAND
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:24:28 +0000

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