I heard a former leader in Nigeria say to the press that Nigeria - TopicsExpress


I heard a former leader in Nigeria say to the press that Nigeria youths arent ready for leadership yet. Looking at this statement, one may want to say YES but when you put into consideration the level of destruction which our elders have done to our generation, one may not have any other choice than to rain curses on the older generation of leadership. I remember sometimes ago when David Alechenu Mark was reported to have said that Gsm isnt for poor people. Another person said he established a private university which cost about a million naira every session and HE maintained it was created so that the masses can afford it. I remember the years before 2006 in my alma mata when students paid #290 for the whole session. This #290 included tuitions and hostel accommodation. But in a space of two sessions it has become over #6500, this arrangement is worst than geometric progression. Yet the actors are those who accuse our political leaders but they have also made life unbearable for the common children as vice chancellors, provosts,rectors, principals etc of both state and federal govt owned institutions. Is it that they want to help the government to make more money to tackle the problems facing education in nigeria. We are seriously not ready for leadership. You can imagine a 35year old man who still depends on pocket money from dad and mom. He still roles on the couch at 9am because of joblessness or unemployment craziness. Why would such person not think like a 35year old boy? Each government create jobs on the pages of newspapers. Nigeria youths are so daft that we even pay to obtain employment application forms, jobs that only exist on the pages of newspapers and during screening we push ourselves and some get injured and some die eventually. Yet no youth has been able to rise up and challenge the government like the NOISY Asari Dokubo of the Niger delta, of like the Julius Malema of the Republic of South Africa, like Fela etc. I dont sincerely know when the youths can be mature enough to take up leadership. I conclude by submitting that the older generation has hurt our psyche and we keep thinking like plastic humans. Our only relevance is during election, we campaign and fight for the same old people with promises of a better tomorrow. These men have really injured us so they can eat up the tomorrow that belongs to our generation.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 06:45:09 +0000

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