I heard a message preached by Pastor Bill Bryan Monday night at - TopicsExpress


I heard a message preached by Pastor Bill Bryan Monday night at Abundant Life Church about when you think everything is ok and then BOOM the breathe is knocked out of you from a unexpected tradegy.I got my breathe back that night from past life incidents.Well today as you all know I had an unexpected tradegy punch me for a knock out blow.As the beam was steadily rolling and my leg was being crushed I screamed and was in fear of my leg being amputated.I begin to cry out to Jesus.I remember what I cryed out.Jesus Jesus please dont let me loose my leg I have unfinished work to do for you.Well folks im here to tell you the healing power of Gods hand is real.After several tests nothing is broken.I still have to follow up with a trauma surgeon and an orthepedic to check for torn ligaments and tendons.Praise be to God for rescuing me I could have easily lost my leg today.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 03:14:00 +0000

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