I heard a news piece this morning about breastfeeding in public, - TopicsExpress


I heard a news piece this morning about breastfeeding in public, and with it a ton of calls from the community weighing in on how they dont approve of women doing this disgusting thing in public places and that breastfeeding should be limited to public bathrooms. Well you know what? Im not even breastfeeding (I couldnt, no matter how hard I wanted to and tried to with Avery) and I take OFFENSE to that. How dare you tell someone they only have the right to feed their child in a bathroom? How would you feel if someone told you to take your kiddo to some crappy bathroom to enjoy their happy meal? How dare anyone call something so natural and beautiful disgusting. Grow up people- they are boobs and we see them EVERYWHERE! They are in ads, on products, everywhere you turn your head. Its okay to show some skin while pushing products, but forget it if a mother is trying to nourish her child. We live in a backwards society that doesnt respect or value womens bodies, but puts a price tag on it instead and nags news outlets if they dont agree with how that breast is being displayed or if it is an appropriate display. There are so many products and covers out there that minimize and cover any potential threat to society that comes along with seeing...oh my gosh...a breast in public while breastfeeding. Seriously, take a trip to the mall and see what kids are wearing these days, and not to mention trendy high fashion that displays a heck of a lot more than a breastfeeding mom in public, but we are okay with that because its our favorite brand, or its just a phase, or *insert lame excuse here*. I cant even. I need to be immersed in nature today and not around people. *end rant*
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 16:33:00 +0000

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