I heard an obese woman say something that needs to be mandatory - TopicsExpress


I heard an obese woman say something that needs to be mandatory reading for all these folks who think ice cream & oreos turn to gold as long as they fit your macros. I just had two pretty bad food days and Im pretty sure that it had to do with eating a trigger food. What I mean by that thing that makes you want to eat the whole universe. For me, its most definitely milk chocolate (can be cheap chocolate bars or expensive Swiss/Belgian chocolate). Even if I have the tiniest amount, theres almost no way that I can get away with just that. Unless Im chained to a tree. And even then Im sure Hulk and I could battle it out. A lot of things can trigger a bad food day or a binge episode (emotions, social events, whatever) but an innocent tiny little piece of milk chocolate can send me down the drain in minutes. And this my friends is what all the macro counting junk food munchers fail to mention... the emotional angle. When an emotional eater starts... they cant stop. It usually goes something like this...... When you sink your teeth into that moist, warm chewy brownie your body sprays out endorphins like a sprinkler. This feel good chemical high just swept you off your feet and whisked you away to paradise far far away from your loathsome job. Once that creamy, cold peanut butter & fudge lob of ice cream hits your pallet youre going to crave that decadent fix more than the junkie down on Broad St. craves his next hit. And before you can say Chunky Monkey youve already devoured an entire pint of Ben & Jerrys. After the 3 brownies you gobbled up. Dazed & nauseous you feel a deep sickness in your belly busting at the seams but that cant compare with the emotional death blow your psyche just took. If your self-esteem was below-the-belt before that innocent brownie then its 6 feet under now. You vow not to go out like this. After all youve already proven to yourself that you cant stick to your macros, so why not go full force and remove any shadow of a doubt? Maybe if you can punish yourself badly enough for not eating the right number macros youll finally learn your lesson. Its worth a shot you tell yourself before you dive head in..... You hop in your car and fly to the nearest supermarket. You make it there right in time before closing and scramble to grab a half gallon of chocolate mint ice cream, box of chips-ahoy cookies and box of Krispy Kream Doughnuts. Better to wash it down with a 24oz jumbo can of Monster energy drink since its already 10pm and you might need a boost for slop fest that lies ahead. You opt for the sugar free can because you dont want any extra calories competing with the treasure trove of goodies youve stockpiled in your basket. You race home, stuffing a doughnut in your mouth at each stop light. To force down as much sugary bliss as possible your chips -ahoy cookies double as a spoon for your ice cream and you shovel it in your mouth at rapid pace. Twenty minutes later you’re curled up in the fetal position on the kitchen floor moaning in agony. You just used up all your macros ...... for the next 6 months! You hate yourself now and worm your way to the bathroom hoping to put yourself out of your misery. Your heart is racing and youve broken out in a sweat from the tidal wave of sugars thats flooded your blood stream. You lay on the cold tile floor a sopping mess and swear to yourself youll never touch another brownie again. Unless it fits your macros. Welcome to Wet Wolf Nutrition & Training, Where Dreams of Delusion Truly Come to Die.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:39:00 +0000

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