I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from my living room while I was - TopicsExpress


I heard an unfamiliar voice coming from my living room while I was trying to sleep. Everyone else is upstairs asleep. I know my mind plays games with me when Im alone, but when these voices were clear as day, there was no way I could ignore them. I can hear a conversation going on, I heard my name a few times but couldnt make out the words. It sounded like little girls giggling. What I did hear was I think shes asleep. Time to play hide and seek. Last time I heard that was when she visited me in my sleep about 2 years ago. Did I miss it? Not really? Was I scared? Maybe. But I came to my senses quick and realized maybe I was already in my dream. Or was it reality? I couldnt tell at this point but I knew it was game on when my candles in my room blew out. I heard her laughing in the other room. It was joyful. But the energy in my room was dark and I was scared. My blood was colder than a flowing river and my heart bested faster than a race car. I finally say up from my bed. My windows were bolted shut and so were my doors. Except for the one that entered into my living room. Scared shitless, I slowly turned the knob breaking the dead cold silence. Her laugh stopped, my heart sank, I closed my eyes and opened that door. All of my furniture was gone. The paint on my walls were chipped. My window was broken letting in spiders from hell. I looked around confused and scared as shit. Before I knew it, my bedroom door slammed behind me. Nearly shitting myself I turned to get hit in the face with wind. I booked it towards my stairs trying to scream but all that came out was squeals. Once I got to my steps, I come to find out that they were all broken. There was no way in hell I could climb up to my family. I needed help. I needed someone to save me. I couldnt scream nothing came out. My light bulbs exploded. And I was suddenly in pitch darkness. My reaction was just to get on the ground and curl into a ball. I debated to close my eyes but then Id be afraid to open them. I closed them and cried. What did I do wrong? Why are you doing this? I thought you wanted to play? Why are you scaring me? Suddenly, all my doors flew up and all I can see was the light from the moon peering in threw the window. I heard baby steps coming towards me. I curled into an even tighter ball trying to wake up from what I was hoping was a dream. Then, hand cold as winter grasped on my ankles and dragged my into my room with full force. And thats when I woke up. Hyperventilating, I turning on my candle lamp trying to catch my breath. I drank some water and lied back down. I stared up at my ceiling contemplating about my life until voices interrupted my thoughts. Here we go again. A short story from yours truly.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 06:51:35 +0000

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