I heard something on the radio tonight on my way home tonight, and - TopicsExpress


I heard something on the radio tonight on my way home tonight, and it really made me think about what we really think is important in our lives. It was one of those inspirational minutes where you hear snippits of sermons. This one really hit home.. She was talking about how much she doesnt like going to parties, and get togethers with lots of people because of the small talk and minusha as she called it. I had to laugh I dont like that either.. She said. people dont want to ever talk about what is really important, but instead gossip, tear down others and other stuff. We talk about how bad the government is, schools are, how dangerous it is, how things are going to Hell in a hand basket and yet we dont speak of solutions, and even if we do, it is for someone else to do, not us, no time to get involved. I know my self, 2am, headed home from Michigan back to South Carolina, and we stop at QD. old donuts on the shelf, to which I say what do you do with these? do you give them away? Such a waste and so many are hungry. do that every where i go... Heres Dave... Linda it is to early to start on that. lol We should talk about the hurting, the hopeless, and the homeless, and what we are going to do to help change it. The lonely, the last and the lost, and how we are going to help them .. BUT... not just talk about it, but really get busy in doing something about it.. There is so much talent out there, being wasted due to circumstance, and dispare. Im talking about working together, all agencies, cities, groups and all people. You may have no money but a wealth of knowledge on doing research on resources to and finding help. You may have no time but means by which to help. and you may live far away like i do, yet i can call, I can encourage and most importantly I can pray for God to send helpers. You may be someone who wants to help but dont know what group to join to help. Join the Homeless Angels, an outreach that is at the street level where the people are.. I am determined to speak life, to those who have all but given up. Streatch out a helping hand to someone who needs a hand up. To show kindness, to even those who have been haters and turn them to those who will join with me to help others. For it is by the love of God, we will reach those who have been called the unreachable. We are of the mind that there are no lost causes, and everyone has value reguardless of what others may say. We wont be able to save or help all... But what we will do at the very least is planted a seed to let them know that God loves them, and we are here to help them.. One day... maybe many years down the road.. those seeds will come to life, and change their lives.. I truly believe that. Winter is coming.... There are many that need us.. and we need you to join us for there is much to do and it will take all of us to help so many in need. What that lady preacher in her inspirational minute did for me today, made me think. What is important? I am not just going to think about it, but I am going to do my best to Do something about it... Do i really spend time thinking and doing the things that will make a difference? I intend to do just that... who is with me? love you all... mom karl
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:08:24 +0000

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