I heard the news about Robin Williams while I was in town tonight, - TopicsExpress


I heard the news about Robin Williams while I was in town tonight, and spent the entire bus ride home hoping it was just a rumor. I usually dont get emotional over people dying if I didnt know them personally, but the fact that I was such a huge fan that Robin was actually my cover photo (of course I changed it after I heard the news) is extremely eerie but also shows how attached I was to a person I had never met but has sort have been there my whole life. I grew up seeing him as Peter Pan and Mrs.Doubtfire, when I got older his off the wall improvs began my descent into stand up comedy addiction, and now Im inspired by his very serious roles. Robin Williams was like everybodys really goofy uncle, and its hard to imagine that he wont be at any more of the family reunions. Some people are most shocked about the fact that it was suicide as apposed to some disease or accident that did him in, but as sad as it sounds, Im not really surprised this was the way he went out. Having a brain the size of his would be extremely heavy to carry around for over sixty years, not to mention he was a complete workaholic when he could have retired decades ago. He stuck around this long to entertain us, and Ill always respect him for sticking to his comic roots until the day he left on his own terms, because if I were him I would have called it quits after I nabbed an Oscar. In the past decade we lost Dangerfield, Pryor, Carlin, and now Williams. If theres any bright side to this, Im sure that open mics in heaven are hysterical right about now. Oh captain, my captain.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:35:56 +0000

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