I heard today: a take on the law of God & the love of God that is - TopicsExpress


I heard today: a take on the law of God & the love of God that is worth mentioning & hopefully will be transformative for you! I came into this belief before reading this but this description put it in such simple words that its very powerful for cementing what Im coming in to. the law is basically a cheap imitation of love. That without LOVE, we needed LAW to teach us how to treat others. And...a revelatory thought...because I had never been able to fully reconcile this concept until I heard that. Christ came, not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. In other words, He came to show us LOVE so that the cheap imitation of LAW would be outdated and we could understand that to please God we dont need to be caught up in ritual and legalities and loopholes...we just need to treat other people...other extensions of Gods love energy with the same love that made us. Ive been moving away from the law & rules & into love & Jesus as the center of this Spirit-love expression. It opens a world for the follower! Grace & love to you!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:40:16 +0000

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