I hold no brief for prophet David Owuor, but yesterday I attended - TopicsExpress


I hold no brief for prophet David Owuor, but yesterday I attended his mega crusade at Afraha Stadium, Nakuru, also graced by Nakuru County Governor Kinuthia Mbugua. What I witnessed is beyond human description; a sea of humanity filled the stadium to capacity and stretched an overflow to the outskirts of the stadium. People had to follow the proceedings from big screens. A question kept lingering on my mind as I stood on the podium to speak to the multitude that would be the envy of many a politician; why would all these people in their sane minds stand in the scotching sun for hours on end to listen to a man, any man? I could reach only one conclusion: there is an unprecedented hunger and thirst for God in this country. People are looking for solutions to the myriads of problems facing them. They are looking for solutions that the Government cannot provide, that money and power cannot buy. People are in search of healing of the body, mind and soul that medical science cannot offer. They are looking for a peace of mind that no human being can give - ONLY GOD CAN! If Dr. Owuor is providing the solution, SO BE IT!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 08:55:02 +0000

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