I hold tremendous hope for our ability to deal with the multitude - TopicsExpress


I hold tremendous hope for our ability to deal with the multitude of issues that plague our country, indeed our world, on an individual basis; on the efforts of people to find and implement win-win situations. All of us, white, black, yellow, brown and any other color or combination of colors, Christian, Muslim, atheist, Worshipers of the Brown Stone in the Garden, all of us have far more in common than we realize or are willing to admit. I believe the vast majority of people in the world want pretty much the same things: a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, security for ourselves and our children, and an opportunity to do and be the best we can. Maybe a Big Mac and a Coke once in awhile. It is the fringe elements, the minority numbers on whatever side of the equation, who constantly harp about our differences, who keep us from achieving those objectives. It should be the goal of every rational person in the world to defeat these minority voices whenever we can by not buying into their view of the rest of us. Good gracious, people! We outnumber them! Why aren’t we taking advantage of it? When are we going to learn?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 16:33:40 +0000

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