I honestly cant believe how quickly time is flying by. When I - TopicsExpress


I honestly cant believe how quickly time is flying by. When I think back at the past year, theres times where I think it dragged on forever and other times I feel like it flew by. But lately I wish I can rewind the clock to the days when I enjoyed life with my kids... the days when my thoughts werent consumed by cancer. When I look back at pics of Julia from a year or two ago, all I can think about is how healthy and happy she was, even right up until her diagnosis. Its crazy when you think about how this disease just sneaks up on you and comes at you with full force! As much I want to forget about the last year and block out all the pain, Ive learned so much and grown so much in my faith from this journey. I never said why God? even during the most excruciatingly painful times. Even though I dont know exactly why God chose this cross for our family, I can say that Julia has touched so many peoples lives and changed them for the better. People send me messages all the time about how much Julias story has affected them and I get so emotional just reading them. And our family has also been touched by the amazing generosity and love by everyone around us, including strangers. This journey has taught me that there are so many wonderful people in this world that emulate Jesus example of charity and compassion. Ive learned to be thankful for life, even during the times of tremendous suffering. Because believe it or not, someone probably has it much worse than you. Most importantly, Ive learned to try to enjoy the good times, even if theyre surrounded by bad. Because its those small moments that get you through the bad. Those are what you call graces from God. Rejoice in the good times, because in an instant everything can change. I havent been able to keep up with messages, emails and updates lately. Please be patient with me if youve messaged or emailed me... I will get back to you as soon as my crazy busy schedule allows me. To top it all off, my phone stopped working and I didnt have my phone for 5 days?! Its scary how much I rely on a small, yet amazing piece of technology. I was lost without it! David and I have been very overwhelmed lately with all the responsibilities we have. He has a huge burden of making sure he supports our family financially (which isnt easy when you have 5 kids and live in San Diego!)... and on top of that he comes home and starts helping with the kids and the house. Weve both been worn out lately to the point of exhaustion. I fall asleep before the kids do. This past week was especially tiring. I had to take Julia to the hospital every day last week to do outpatient chemo. Getting Julia to the clinic is not the problem; trying to figure out babysitting for all the other kids and whos gonna help pick up from school is the hard part. When you have five kids in 3 different schools... thats quite the task let me tell ya. Julia tolerated her chemo very well. Thankfully its just a low dosage of chemo and she will have to repeat this treatment again in a month. We will be testing her for HAMA again in a few weeks. She had a performance at school the other day and of course I started to get emotional. There are random moments where I just want to cry, but I almost always hold my tears back. I am so thankful that she gets to be in school and shes living a pretty normal life. The only thing she cant do is play sports and swim, which she actually misses very much. I also took Julia to a nutritional therapist that we havent seen before. We discussed her diet and she prescribed some immune boosting and detox supplements for her. We left her office three hours (and $500) later! Its very hard keeping Julia away from sugar... she shouldnt even eat foods with natural sugar like fruits! I wish I could say our diet was perfect but its not. We do the best we can given our situation. I do my best and leave the rest to God. I know that He will take care of His precious child. To Jesus through Mary, Julias mommy
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:57:18 +0000

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