I honestly feel we should give jack one last chance, three strikes - TopicsExpress


I honestly feel we should give jack one last chance, three strikes your out in baseball lets do three strikes here, as for Ian I have been speaking to for over a few hours now and he has come to a decision that leaves me unhappy, but its his decision and i will respect it, I will copy and paste everything in this chat of what we spoke about if you want me to, I really honestly tried with Ian, but i just couldnt get through to him this time. I will admit we have had some odd short comings every now and then when it comes to Ian and a few of our members, but I feel he deserves some respect from us, I dont just mean because he was the person that started all of this, I mean from a mutual stand point. I just felt it was unfair of how jack lashed out like that with out first consenting me, I will admit i should have tried harder to speak to him, but i was occupied with so many different things at that time that I was unable to reach out to him, due to that fact it caused all sorts of ruckus and i feel since jack made that post yayoi took advantage of the situation and used that to strike at Ian when he was off guard, due to these things Ian had chosen to step down from this group, due to him feeling that he did not achieve what he ultimately hoped for, this I respect but I feel we let Ian down in a sense because we lost faith in who he was, and I feel we pushed him away, no one particularly but us as a whole did. yes I must say everyone has there goods and bad days, but i feel today to many things kept pointing at Ian and i just felt that was really uncool of us, and as my job I tried to let it cool of and it just blew up in our faces again, so with this all said, I feel yayoi should get one warning, along with jack, as for Ian I feel we should all say how thankful we are to him for creating this group that we can call our Pokemon family, we all wouldnt be hear with him him today, and who knows that better then anyone we all should know this. I feel this is all a learning experience for us all, everyone has to start somewhere right? this is a new beginning for us as a group, and with a new beginning there was an beginning that ended, but this is not the end of the road for us USVCPA members, this is just one small step for USVCPA towards greatness. so with everything said here, I have made a new rule if anyone has any complains, concerns, issues, it must first be consulted with me, if I hear of anything that flew past me I will perma banned you, I am dead serious about this you guys, these kinds of things shouldnt get to the point where stuff like this occurs, we all makes this group what it is, we should be treating everyone like we are family, all for one and one for all. that is one of my favorite quotes.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:39:20 +0000

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