I honestly hate growing up. When I started preschool I was so - TopicsExpress


I honestly hate growing up. When I started preschool I was so scared that I wouldnt have any friends. I was use to the company of my family and family friends. I didnt want to make new friends simply because when youre a kid the thought of change freaks you out. All the way from pre-school through 6th grade we all had the same group of friends for the most part, not counting the ones whod moved and the occasional I hate you stage. Then middle school comes along. This is one of the stages in life most people hate the most. You and everyone else you considered your friends change. The social groups arent as bad as everyone thinks. I think middle school and high school are the years that we truly find out who we are and our friends. I look back through the years up until now and I maybe have a handful of friends from grade school Id actually consider my friends. But in all honesty I think Ive made maybe twice as many since I started high school. Now with two more years to go I am completely okay with the fact that Ill lose some more friends and gain some more. What scares me the most right now is my senior year, Im not even sure what I want to do after high school. But as long as I always do my best Ill be able to do anything. And having great friends and family to back you up 100% makes growing up all that more enjoy able. Yes I am a where I rambled on but I was typing while thinking. So if stuff doesnt make sense Im sorry lol. Thats the end of that rant. :)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:17:45 +0000

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