I hope I dont get in trouble for saying this but its in my heart - TopicsExpress


I hope I dont get in trouble for saying this but its in my heart to speak! (By trouble I mean that my PR people and my mentors like for me to be the silent corporate producer figure) There are people that dont want us to do this for Georgia, there are people that dont want us to shine positive light on independent / emerging artist, they dont want us to be apart of getting them press, newspaper, radio, tv interviews, exposure and in some cases deals. There are people that say our nominees are not talented and we honor nobodies (obviously untrue). These people are unhappy because we refuse to leave the music industry in the hands of the few who seek to decide who gets heard and who does not, who gets press and who does not, who books shows and who does not. We REFUSE to bow to any secret society and secret group meeting that gather for negativity. (Can you believe that people meet about us, all we do is bring about 800 people together once a year in the name of music and that merits us to be discussed in backroom meetings? Wow, we are not sure if we should be angered or honored) Anyone who knows me or knows anyone on my team knows we are all about being fair and honest. I am open to critiques, but those critiques must contain the truth as it is the light! Any human being that looks at our nominees, winners, performances, youth and does not see Amazing Talent is being untruthful (among other things) (In only 3 years the talent that has graced us with their presence is amazing, to many to name!) Any human being that looks at the SOS band, Alan Walden Ellis Hall and says we dont honor amazing people is being untruthful. Any human being that looks at the radio, tv and print press that our nominees and winners get and say is it not beneficial to them and the market is being untruthful. Any human being that says that it is not beneficial for winners to present awards and network in other markets is being untruthful. Any human being that says that its not Absolutely Beautiful for people from all walks of life and music being together in one room celebrating music, fellowship and love with not as much as argument is being untruthful. I want to thank all of the truthful people that support what we do! This year was an amazingly successful year, it seems the more success, the louder the few detractors get! We will continue to move forward, we will continue to grow no matter what road blocks the untruthful attempt to put in our way, because the truth is and always has been the light! I am extremely thankful for the team and everyone that supports the awards! Please continue to support us and please share this, I want the world to know that we will never bow to negativity and untruthful people or groups! Omar J. McCallop
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 11:21:22 +0000

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