I hope and pray that Hashem will soon obliterate groups like ISIS - TopicsExpress


I hope and pray that Hashem will soon obliterate groups like ISIS from the face of the earth. Although I normally hold my tongue when it comes to wishing bad upon others, when it comes to evil of such extent as weve all been hearing about, I do not hesitate the least bit to say that I hope each and every one of those savages will suffer the worst punishments of Gehinom, and that they be sent express to Gehinom VERY soon! Anyone who is capable of such brutality as beheading children and displaying their heads on sticks deserves no mercy, neither from us, nor from G-d, and I hope G-d brings the harshest punishment upon these savages very soon and that their memory be obliterated from the world. As for the UN, Europe, US, now is the time for them to act against these savages. They like to talk a lot when it comes to Israel, but when it comes to acting in the face of real problems they do little or nothing. And as for the rest of us, we have to realize that everything thats going on in the world are signs from Hashem that were getting VERY close to the coming of Mashiach! The prophecies of the Tanakh are being fulfilled before our very eyes. Now is the time for us to reinforce our relationship with Hashem, to rethink our priorities, and to return back to our roots! Everyone whos seeing the horrors that are going on in the world and wondering what we as individuals can do about it - every prayer, every chapter of Tehillim, every mitzvah, every few minutes of extra Torah study, every bit of Tzdakah, every effort to inspire others, every act of kindness - it all tips the scales and brings us closer to the final redemption, to the part of Daniels dream where the stone breaks the statue! Were getting very close to that time. Lets do what we can to make it happen sooner. Shabbat Shalom.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:36:43 +0000

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