I hope everyone has been signing this petition and sharing it you - TopicsExpress


I hope everyone has been signing this petition and sharing it you dont have to have any of these diseases only live in the US. We are in need with a very short span of time to get 100.000 signatures for USA members only period Jan1st-Jan.31 2015, and people do not have to have these conditions to sign. Petition Title: Urge the Social Security Administration to Add Crohns Disease & Ulcerative Colitis to its Compassionate Allowance List More than 1.6 million Americans live everyday with Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, and indeterminate colitis, three chronic, incurable, and debilitating inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) that cause crippling abdominal pain, persistent diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fever, and weight loss, among other symptoms. IBD often prevents patients from working or attending school. Frequently, they end up hospitalized with life-threatening complications.And death. Were talking about little kids, children, teenagers, young men and women, that are so very sick. Every year, the Social Security Administration holds hearings to add illnesses to its Compassionate Allowance List (CAL). We urge the White House to require the SSA to convene a hearing to add IBD to this list in order to expedite the approval of benefits for patients living with these chronic, incurable, and debilitating digestive diseases. Please if your followers like myself can sign this petition have their husbands,wives,partners friends and familys sign this your help is most needed. We only have this month to get this passed. Will you spread the word? Signatures needed by January 31, 2015 to reach goal of 100,000,91,041 Total signatures on this petition 8,959 WE need so many more to get this passed. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/…/urge-social-sec…/hKmNg13f
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:38:39 +0000

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