I hope my Nurse, Doctor, Paramedic and health care student friends - TopicsExpress


I hope my Nurse, Doctor, Paramedic and health care student friends have been reading my posts for Dysautonomia awareness month because one day you may get a patient with Dysautonomia and then youll be all like - thanks Claire, I know stuff about this!! This video is particularly important for anyone treating patients of any type because it addresses the impact that words can have. One of the great things about having a mum who is a doctor (GP) is that I dont recall ever being told it was all in my head before I was diagnosed with Dysautonomia - I was told that a postural drop in blood pressure when youre sick with a sinus infection is perfectly normal (which it is to a point but not to the point mine used to drop to before medication!) by a GP who was never prepared to investigate anything and didnt believe in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. For someone who doesnt believe in CFS you think hed be interested in finding out exactly what was going on to prove it wasnt a thing, but apparently not... Unfortunately a lot of people with Dysautonomia are told its all in their head - this may be because the majority of patients are female, aged between 20-40 and it often has similar symptoms to anxiety (increased heart rate, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, dizziness etc) - so obviously if youre a woman of a certain age presenting with those symptoms thats all it can be, case closed, lets not look any further. It can take so long to get a proper diagnosis that patients get completely fed up at being put in the too hard basket or palmed off to yet another health care professional who has too big an ego to admit they have no clue so it must be psychological. Just because you dont know whats happening, because you dont have all the answers doesnt mean you have the right to dismiss someone. The long term consequences of being told repeatedly that its all in your head can be significant. The lovely Michelle, Dysautonomia ambassador of glittery shoed fabulousness and blogger extraordinaire has recoded a video blog addressing this subject. It was made a talking point and compulsory viewing for an international online medical forum - yes shes that awesome :D #Dysautonomiaawarenessmonth2014
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 02:20:21 +0000

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