I hope so! Rand believes in the true American ideals of freedom - TopicsExpress


I hope so! Rand believes in the true American ideals of freedom and democracy. He echoes my belief that we must turn this country around asap and end the current police and socialist state. We must have and support law enforcement and abide by laws but we cannot and must not have any further losses of our rights and freedoms. We are not the enemy and we need not be treated like one by our invasive government. I love my country but we must enact term limits for all members of the house and senate. On both sides. No more career incumbent men and women that only represent themselves and their individual constituents. No more back room talk with poltical action committees and no more back room paybacks. You serve your two terms and then we elect and choose someone else. And I also blame the uneducated voters that vote for someone simply because they look good, sound good, are a celebrity wanna-be, or are the feel good person of the hour. We must vote with intellienge! Get your head out of the sand sheeples and pay attention to what is going on in your local, state, and federal arenas! Stop with the Bunny Fool-Fool, dancing with the czars, dancing with whoever or whatever, etc! etc! blah! blah! blah. Signing off now! Peace!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 23:49:59 +0000

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