I hope that when I die my family and friends respect who I was in - TopicsExpress


I hope that when I die my family and friends respect who I was in life. I am atheist. And although ALL my family members are theist I hope that in death they can learn to respect MY wishes. And it makes me wonder.......will any refuse to go to the services based on my disbelief in a deity? How much do you love me? Will you be able to set aside your personal beliefs and just celebrate the person I was without prejudice ? Dont tell my children things like: it was her time to go...or She is in a better place....or even scarier to them....she is watching your every move and will always be by your side...will you be able to say things like: your mommy was a great person and she will be missed or you can keep her memory alive (is my preferred approach) I respect and love my theist family ...it is who they are and I love them as such. I understand the reasons for their belief in a deity as I once in my life did too....will I get the same respect back? Will you choose not to bother even going because I didnt pray to your God? Would you burry a Muslim as a Christian? Will you as a Christian would appreciate being buried as Muslim? If your answer is no then maybe you can understand my wanting to be treated as an Atheist and if you are not sure what does it exactly mean then educate yourself in the matter ...I am no devil worshiper...nor do I believe in an afterlife....I dont believe in spirits evil or good....I dont live for the hopes of a good life after death....I am very caring...I do believe life is what you make of it ...I dont believe in faith or hope...I believe in action and what I can control not what I cant I am not hateful...I am not mad... I am me! I believe that what ever process you allow your brain to process, the result of what your experiences will be would be the outcome of that process. The mind is an amazing tool that if I were to name it -the brain- I would call it GOD...thats is the real powerful source of the human experience it is what really makes us who we are the input result in the output. So with all this being said answer the question presented in the beginning...would you refuse to attend my services because of YOUR own personal beliefs or would you attend to really pay your respects to the person I Was?
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:31:22 +0000

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