I hope that you have been following everything which is happening - TopicsExpress


I hope that you have been following everything which is happening in regards to the ObamaCare roll out. Things just seem to keep getting worse for the Obama Regime and with him all the Democratic flunkies following behind. This is quite an expected result, since almost every Democratic lawmaker voted for ObamaCare when it passed in 2010. You should also note that not a single Republican Representative or Senator voted in favor of this law. They all understood that this represented a government take-over of the healthcare industry and wanted no part of that. In short: ObamaCare is entirely the fault of Democrats. I do not care what they whine about how afraid they were of GOP inquiries and hearings if they admitted to having problems. The fact is that ObamaCare passed without a single Republican vote. The big question ever since the problems started coming to light as Obama’s signature law started to go into effect is what will be done to get the exchanges fixed. Everyone knows that things cannot continue at the pace they are. Now, we are finally starting to see some Democrats splitting ranks over maybe initiating some delays in a number of the different parts of this plan. Press Chief Jay Carney first hinted at this idea a few days ago. Of course, as is his usual method, he avoided giving any direct answer. At least he did not outright deny that there was the potential for some type of delay. Now, the tide seems to be slowly turning in favor of delaying parts of ObamaCare. Senator Jeanne Shaheen is up for re-election next year and is thinking about a delay. There are also a number of House Democrats pondering the same thing. Even many of the members who have not publicly broken ranks (at least not yet) are indicating that they might not have any choice but to accept a delay. Even today there have been a number of new reports indicating that the Democrats are starting to support additional delays. Market Watch has reported that: “The Obama administration may give Americans extra time to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, postponing when penalties for failing to buy coverage will go into effect.” And according to ABC News, the Democrats are ‘divided’ over this issue. Yes, I would imagine so. Gee, I wonder if Obama will simply enact a unilateral delay, or actually let it come to a vote? Somehow, I cannot imagine that he would accept that level of embarrassment. There is even a report that West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin III is working on a draft proposal to actually delay the individual mandate. With all of these issues and problems in the ObamaCare roll out, another thing that has been noticed is that young and healthy people are not signing up! This is perhaps the biggest problem for ObamaCare right now. Ultimately, it is these people who are needed in order to make the plan economically viable. They are essentially agreeing to overpay for a product that they will rarely, if ever use. There premium money is then used to help pay for the excess care used by older people. Without these younger folks, it is quite possible that ObamaCare will fall into a so-called ‘death spiral’ and basically implode because the costs are too great to bear. Why should younger people sign up…why not just pay the $100 fine rather than get expensive coverage they do not want or need? What do YOU think? Will the Democrats crack on this? Will ObamaCare be delayed? If so, just the individual mandate…or other pieces as well?
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:04:08 +0000

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