I hope the american people are realizing what the democrats have - TopicsExpress


I hope the american people are realizing what the democrats have done to this country with obamacare. 1. Through regulation they have systematically destroyed private insurance. Its too late. That industry is dead. They cannot afford to provide legal insurance coverage to people. Millions of policies are being cancelled, with millions more to come. Its too late to fix the damage that has been inflicted, even if obamacare were repealed today. 2. Under democrat policy, not only is access to exchanges botched, but our new government insurance plans are so obscenely expensive, nobody can afford them. So now, our old insurance is destroyed, and theres nothing to replace it with. 3. Under democrat regulations, doctors and medical device manufacturers, suppliers, nurses....entire careers have been destroyed. Doctors are retiring and leaving the country. Innovation for future medical advances is nearly impossible under the heavy burden of government regulation and taxes. 4. The government now has the authority to seize our bank accounts without warrants or warning. They have the authority to take our homes if we are unable to pay the fines or taxes. They have the authority to search our homes, without notice or warrant, for certain health standards. And most disgusting, they have the authority to take our children if they deem we are not raising them to their standards. So here we sit. Our previous insurance destroyed by the government. The same government that said they would offer affordable insurance has nothing resembling affordable to offer us in return. The quality of our medical care will probably never be the same as doctors leave and retire, and the development of new medical advancements comes to a screeching halt. It all happened in America. It happened in a place that brags about our freedoms and liberties. It happened in the shadows of that shining city on the hill. Socialism destroyed healthcare, and has devastated the lives of millions of Americans. I am angry, and deeply saddened that my country could fall for this. Im angry at the people that voted for this, and who still insult my intelligence by telling me its good. I ache for the pain and destruction that has unnecessarily been wrought on so many american families. This was intentional. After such destruction inflicted on our country, in defiance of all logic and historical lessons. I cannot help but feel the following: Single issue democrat voters, who are too shortsighted to grasp the bigger picture. Who live in your own little world and vote for your own individual self interest without regard for our country. You are my enemy. To the uninformed, mostly younger crowd, that vote democrat because you think it’s cool. Or because Obama was black. Or because you’re uninformed ideologies scream for equality. To you rubes who have ignored your history lessons and in turn embraced the temporary, fleeting ideals of pop culture. You are my enemy. To the baby boomer democrats. Those who were raised as southern democrats, in the heart of the cold war, and who were born in the wake of the defeat of greatest evil in history, and who have shunned the lessons of your parents and history. To those of you that continue to vote democratic simply because your parents did, and your grandparents, and who are blind to the threats of the socialists in your midst. You are my enemy. To all those single issue democrat voters, who vote for your own self interest and for the candidates that promise you the most goodies for your own little world. Those of you who cannot comprehend, nor do you try, to vote for the good of the country, but rather to promote your petty personal agenda. Tho those who have lost sight of the big picture, and are more interested in promoting the latest pop culture agenda. To those single issue democrats, who ignore all the perils around us, yet continue to vote for the source of those perils because, well, you’re life is fine and you only care about one issue that affects you, or that you think affects you. You are my enemy. What has happened to us? The imposition of socialism, and its subsequent destruction, happened here. It happened in America. It happened in a country that prides ourselves in our freedoms, and liberties. We hold those very things up as examples for the rest of the world to follow. It happened in that shining city on a hill, that used to stand for freedom, individual liberty, and limited government. Our founding principles are dismissed as antiquated ideals, and replaced with idealistic, intrusive, offensive agendas of the ambiguous pop culture society. We no longer are a principled society. We follow the winds of unprincipled policy, politically correct bullying, and agendas that defy the lessons of history. Our differences are no longer about individual policy. Our differences are ideological. Therein lies the impasse between the statists and conservatives of America. We stand on the precipice of an ideological divide that cannot be bridged by backroom deals and compromise. It must be defeated by strong, principled, courageous stands. I fear for the future of our country. I’m afraid of what is happening, and the path it will lead us down. Most of all, as I look around and see the extents to which we have fallen into the socialist abyss, I fear it may not end peacefully.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:36:24 +0000

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