I hope youre all having a nice Sunday. I sorted all my birds out - TopicsExpress


I hope youre all having a nice Sunday. I sorted all my birds out before taking the dogs out. I rearranged Nippers perches in his cage to make things easier for him, hes rather awkward when he panics to get back into his pouch. I dont think hes going to get better somehow so Im looking at ways to make his life more comfortable. I discovered that the box that my new Dyson vacuum cleaner came in is exactly the right size, opened up, to fit the bottom of the aviary flight. Fresh grain and water, corvids given pilchards and wet bread mix, job done. Sweety and Boo had their cage cleaned out and fresh food and water. Off for a walk. The dogs had a lovely time in the wood chasing squirrels and snuffling for mice in the undergrowth. We romped there for quite a time before striking off home across the fields and home. I believe that I have already told the story of Gorgeous, the wild mallard drake with a damaged wing, that lived in our garden for a few years. He was content to swim in the large pond and forage and sleep under the bushes. We would feed him grain and vegetables and he could come and go as he pleased, he wasnt captive. But he chose to stay until, one winter, his pond froze completely over and he became vulnerable. If he was disturbed by anything hed simply swim safely into the middle of the pond. But, one night, when it froze over he had no where to hide and scuttled off away from our garden. He was seen waddling down the narrow guage railway lines and into the country and we never saw him again. The garden was so empty without our handsome duck and I made enquiries at a sanctuary about any ducks that needed a home. Ted, Harry and Thomas arrived, huge muschovy drakes that no one wanted. They were lovely and enjoyed our large garden and pond to live in. They sheltered each night in a wooden Wendy house with warm straw and had grain and vegetables to eat. The boys lived with us for many years, completely stripping the garden of slugs, snails and woodlice! The lawn grew rich and green with duck manure😀 and the pond grew empty of weed and most of the fish! 😕 But oh how they loved that pond. They were big birds and if one had a bath it sounded as large as a swan splashing about. But they were no trouble and amiable gents. As they aged we lost, one by one, Ted and then Harry. But I have to tell you that Thomas, grand old man, is still alive and living with the lady who takes my young seagulls. He has a companion, a lady goose, and they live in a big garden on the hillside near the sea with other rescued creatures. Heres a few pictures of our dear boys.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:32:30 +0000

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