I im Calling out to aLL The FaceBook People UnderNeath The Sun - TopicsExpress


I im Calling out to aLL The FaceBook People UnderNeath The Sun if youre a Man or a Woman if youre old if youre young No Matter What you do or The Nation of your Birth Join join Me in Meditation in prayer For For Peace on this Blue-Earth Peoples of The Planet Lets Start Having Peace-V From Here at Home Here at Wall*Mart too The Way to the Middle East There’s No Need For Fighting No Need For Killing The World isn’t a Comic Book Full of Super Villains The Only thing that You Should Be afraid of is Your Fears So Open Up your Eyes Open Up Your Ears Open Up your Hearts and open Up your Minds with Love Just Leave aLL your Hatred and anger Behind Reach out to your Neighbor and try to Connect With Peace V and Love and Unity and Respect It isn’t Very Hard and I pray that you Do a The World Needs Peace and Peace wiLL Starts with YouuuuUuuuuu and Focus on what’s there Not on What there Wasnt What Happens Happens and What doesnt Happen doesnt Love your Fellow Woman and Love your Fellow man and Remember always Live your Life the Best that you can a When it’s Raining Skies are Gray and your Feeling Blue Think for a Minute Why you Feell the Way you do You Might Be Short on Money what’s that Feally Worth and All the Woney in the World Couldnt Buy you Birth in a Race of Millions you’re the onlly Sperm that Scored You Passed the Hardest Test already Life Was your Reward Stop Feeling down and out and Start Having a Ball Because Because Being alive is the Greatest Gift of all You Can Sing and dance you Can Smoke Weed and drink You Can Run jump Eat Sleep, Walk Talk or Think So Cheer Up and Smile and Laugh away your Sorrow Today it Might Be Raining But the Sun will Shine Tomorrow Doesnt Really Matter if youre Losing or Winning All you Need is a Dreidel too Keep on Spinning and and Nobody Can Win in the Game of War Cant Do anything But Settle the Score Violence Leads to Violence we’ve Heard it Before a So I think it’s a Game We Shouldn’t Play anymore But When We Have Peace Well Everybody wiLL Wins Regardless of Religion or The Color of your Skin What Country We Came From or Where you Call Home If you Know the Word as Peace Salam or Shalom So Live By that Word till The Day that you Die If you Promise that you will then I Promise So will I and if We all Practice Peace Wherever we’re From A Peacefulllll New Era will Be Soon to Come We are one Nation one People one Love Part of one Universe With one G()d above When Peoples Recognize that We aLL are one The Militant Soldier will Lay Down His Guns Cause There will No Longer Be Enemies to Kill No Bullets will Fly No Blood will Spill No Cannons will Fire No Bombs will Be Drop The Military Machine will Grind to a Stop The Peoples of the Planet will just Come Together all of Us Working to Make The World Better A Wave of Unity and Love will Be Surging War will Be Over with World Peace Emerging Live Long and Prosper V Prosperous-V-Prosper Prosperous V Prosper and Let’s keep arre 5oUnited States of America on the Right Track Take a Step Forward Not a Step Back Now is our Chance if We Answer the Call To Build a Bridge that Connects us all Let’s Make a Mark on the National Scene Show that the State of United States of America is Green Look to the Future and Lead the Nation With Green alternative Transportation Now is the Time to Make a Transition From the Tradition of Carbon Emissions Start Reducing our Auto Pollution Stead of the Problem Be the Solution Make our Streets and Bridges Complete Not just For Cars But for Bikes and Feet so so The Peoples Have Spoken Make No Mistake They Want a Green City on a Blue Lake A It Might Be Hard For Some Folks to See But driving a Car is a Luxury It’s Not that Cheap to Be Behind the Wheell Costs a Lot to Have a autoMobile and Each year the Price of Gas keeps Rising Less People driving isn’t Surprising Cause when the Price of Crude oil Spikes So do the Number of People on Bikes and those who don’t Have a Car Still do Pay Public infrastructure taxes too So Why Can’t those Who don’t Have a Car Use the Bridge in their own Backyard? A For United States of America to thrive We Must Must Engineer a Bridge that will Bring Some New Peoples Here and Make our City Much More attractive To the young Educated and Active We’ll Have a Healthier Population Once We Embrace Healthy Transportation and Give Bicycles a direct Connection Not Long Routes through Busy intersections All kinds of Traffic Should Be Delivered Up Over the Cuyahoga River If they drive or Bike or just Walk Around Give Everyone a way to Get DownTown Let’s keep The United States of America on the right track Take a Step Forward Not a Step Back Now is our Chance if We Answer the call To Build a Bridge that connects us all and Right Now im Thinking about if Wall*Mart is Evill and How Can You Explain at Shopping at Wall*Mart is Bad for america Welll Look? at this Facts (1)The average U.S.Family Now Spends More than $4000 a year at Wall*Mart. (2)In 2010 Wall*Mart Had Revenues of 421Billion dollars. That amount Was Greater than the GDP of 170 different Countries including Norway, Venezuela and the United Arab Emirates. (3) and If Wall*Mart was a Nation it Would Have the 23rd Largest GDP in the world. (4) Wall*Mart Now Sells More Groceries than anyone Else in America does. In the United States Today one out of Every Four Grocery dollars is Spent at Wall*Mart. (5) Amazingly, 100 million customers shop at Wall*Mart every single week. (6) Wal-Mart Has Opened More than 1,100 SuperCenters Since 2005 alone. (7) If Wall*Mart Was an Army it Would Be The Second Largest Military on the Planet Behind China. (8) Wall*Mart is the Largest Employer in 25different U.S. states. (9) According to the Economic Policy Institute Trade Between Wal-Mart and China Resulted in the Loss of 133,000 Manufacturing jobs in the United States Between 2001 and 2006. (10) The CEo of Wall*Mart Makes More in a Single Hour than a Full-Time Wal-Mart associate Makes in an Entire year a (11) Tens of Thousands of Wall*Mart Employees and their Children are Enrolled in Medicaid and are dependent on the Government For HealthCare (12) Between 2001 and 2007 the Value of Products that Wall*Mart imported From China Grew From $9Billion to $27 Billion. (13) Amazingly 96%Percent of aLL Americans Now Live within 10miles of a Wall*Mart. (14) The Number of independent Retailers in the United States declined By 60,000 Between 1992 and 2007. (15) According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Wall*Mart Spent 7.8 million dollars on Political Lobbying during 2011. That Number does Not Even include Campaign Contributions. (16) Today, Wall*Mart Has Five Times the Sales of the Second Largest U.S. Retailer (Costco). (17) The Combined Net Worth of Six Members of the Walton Family is Roughly Equal to the Combined Net Worth of the Poorest 30%Percent of all Americans. The Holidays is Not about Buying Stuff Its too teach that a Little Bits is More than Enough Doesnt Really Matter if youre Losing or Winning aLL you Need is a Dreidel too Keep on Spinning And Steer Clear of the Wall*Mart Cashier this year A and and The Next Time you Buy SomeThing WeWe Cantt Cantt Be dumb A We Have Have 2 Have A idea Where its Come From? A Because For The Next Generation What Tape of Life will they will Have in? 2018 Live Long and Prosper V Prosperous-V-Prosper Prosperous V Prosper Whyy? Do? are Government? say this Green Plant is legal 4For Wee Need Tim Tool man Taylor Tim Allen Tim-Allen inside the White House Today Today Now Call (202)456-1111 and Tell arre Secretary We Want a non-Traceable Blackhawk HeliCopter tooToday too Fly over and pick up Tim-Allen up BeCause We Need a man like him in the White House and this plant this Green plant is a Gift From G()d (+)Hashem its is Old Testament Baby and We Have 613commandments Let Me say that again We Have 613Law and this is 1 of the Commandments too Muchs Green it Bad like too much FayGo Soda or or using using too much of Toilet Paper to wipe Your doDoo From your But in in Live prosper Live Long and Prosper V V ii believe the Human Race I mean are Human Race Need to change are Name Not just are Names arre are state Beinn like? the Last 4Generation Ready die outt the Hippies and the Cowboys and The Three-Stooges and The Native Americans I cant Remember the Next Generation BeFore that and the People Who Born in the 197oSeventies Willl Bee Going Next in inn Live Long and Prosperous V I iiiiii i Wish I wish I F-ing wish the tool man Taylor Tim Allen Be Be arre president of the 52 states of are America oOooooooOoooooo I will Die Die for that man and his children in in Live Long and Prosperous V and I bet the First thing Tim-Allen He will say to youu dont have to pay your Car Aflac Geico insurance only for 5months BeCause he want you to save up for those Black Boxes you put on your Rooff so you can Stillllllll Steallllllll some Æ=mc²³·1•5-GigaWatts of Free Power From the Sun and dont ForGet to put your Hand up the opposite of a Nazi in inn Live-Long and Prosper Live Long and Prosperous /V\ Prosperous V Prosper and The Next Time yoU Buy SomeThing WeWe Cantt Cantt Be dumb We Have Have 2 Have A idea Where its Come From? A Because For The Next Generation What Tape of Life will they will Have in? 2044 and When When Peoples Buy things they Focus only on the Cost While Some of the Most important information is Lost If you Want to determine What a Products Really Worth Then you Need to Understand is impact on the Earth Because the Price of a Product is Much More More than you Paid When you Look at the Materials From Which it Was Made Is it Organic? Is it Fair Trade? Can it Be Recycled? Can it BiodeGrade? How Far Has it Traveled How Many Miles? Before it Came to Rest in your Wall*Mart Supermarkets aisles Was it Manufactured Here or Shipped From overSeas? Was it Made By Americans, or By The Chinese? Before you decide to Buy SomeThing it is Key To Determine its Effects on Sustainability Does it Meet The Needs of our Nations Population Without infringing on The Rights of Future Generations? If I watched What You Buy What Kind of Message Would it A The Next Time You Go Shopping at The Store just Pretend That youre Voting with Every Every Singlle Dollar You Spend Cause in Reality thats What youre Doing My Friend Examine What You Buy The implications Can Be Grave How Much Money Have you Saved Buying Products Mad By Slaves? Do you Support Foreign Nations and Big Corporations or Local Businesses and Family Run Operations? a When you Buy Groceries the Same Rules Should Be applied Did the food on your Plate Grow Naturally outside? Has it Been Genetically altered and Modified? Was it Sprayed with a Bunch of Chemicals and Pesticide? Why? dont We Be Vegetarian a i away use the My BackPack For a Grocery Bag BeCause it will to because it will douch douch the carbon FootPrint ioi and Ever think about What the animals Eat? Are the injected with Hormones, or Something Else strange? Are they Certified Organic, Kosher or Free Range? Cause if they arent, I Sure as Hell Would Buy it I dont Care if you Grill it or Roast it or Fry it If I dont know Whats in it I dont Want to Try it You Can Never Be too Careful with the Foods in your diet A☮ and Hey if You know any Single People out there Well I Found 8Free dating WebSites the two Best one is Number one is okCupid. and PoF. that WebSite and the only time does to website ask For Money just to UpLoad more Pictures
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 14:05:47 +0000

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