I in essence I believe and intuit that this task given to us as a - TopicsExpress


I in essence I believe and intuit that this task given to us as a group here and the wider collective group of disciples on the entire planet is to assist in the transformation of the collective consciousness of humanity- to engage and implement a new ziegist - a new paradigm; Herein following is a shamanic view. The task which my teacher gave me, and my mission as a nagual for the era which is commencing, is to move the assemblage point of the Earth. ...........Disconcerting me even further, he seemed to read my thoughts, because he made a little nod of agreement and murmured: Thats it. You have to be crazy to let yourself commit to something like that, and even crazier to believe that it is possible to do. I asked him how a man could possibly even think about a feat like that. He answered: Just like the other world has its mobile unit - the inorganic beings - Earth also has one, and its us. We are children of the Earth. The movement of the assemblage point of a sufficient number of warriors can change the modality of the time, and that is what I am working towards. He explained that the assemblage point of Earth has changed many times in the past, and will do so in the future. In recent times it has been moving steadily towards the area of reason. That is magnificent, because, once it is fixated there, humanity will have an opportunity to move to the other side, and many men and women will become aware. The challenge for the seers of the future will be to maintain that focus for the necessary length of time until it becomes fixated there, becoming a permanent position for the planet, a new center, which we will be able to turn to anytime in a perfectly natural way. The refocusing of the Earths attention is the product of the combined action of many generations of naguals. The new seers conceived of it as a possibility, and discovered that it was part of the Rule. They incubated it with their intent, and determined that now is the time to begin it. What is the effect of that movement? To move the fixation of the planet is the only way out from the dramatic state of slavery to which we have been reduced. The course of our civilization has no exit, because we are isolated in a remote location of the cosmos. If we dont learn how to travel along the avenues of awareness, we will come to such a state of frustration and despair that humanity will end up destroying itself. Our options are the way of the warrior, or extinction. However, I cannot know what the total effects of my task will be. The Earths assemblage point is very big; it has an enormous inertia. My mission is to start the fire, but it will take time to get the blaze going. In fact, that task is not mine only, but belongs to all the seers who must come. Knowledge of the assemblage point is an unprecedented gift from the spirit to modern man, and it is the catalyst for changing the modality of this era. It is not an utopia, but a real possibility that is waiting there, just around the corner. I dont want to speculate on my chances of being successful with this task; I just persist, because it is all thats left for me to do. Personally, I have no doubts. In my view, the future is luminous, because it belongs to awareness, which for sorcerers means that it belongs to nagualism. Armando Torres - Encounters with the Nagual https://facebook/ArmandoTorresEncountersWithTheNagual?ref=profile
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:11:29 +0000

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