I invite you to exist as you never have before! Let’s close our - TopicsExpress


I invite you to exist as you never have before! Let’s close our distractions & listen shall we? Let’s imagine that we’re trees & this is our forest. All the trees around us were once like us, only they learned to be quiet & still a long time ago... & the reason they are so quiet is that they are actively listening to what the Earth is saying, & as a result their lives are long & growing. Pretty soon, if we too begin listening closely to the voice of the Earth we’ll be so mesmerized that we’ll forget how we got here, or why we’d ever want to leave in the first place... Let’s grow our leaves into the wildest shapes we can imagine! I’ve never seen a tree change colors quite as beautifully as you... Let’s decide what sorts of trees we will be...I am a weeping willow & my branches hang down to the ground. What kind of tree are you? The good news about being a tree is that we get to change colors all the time! & from where we sit we can see every shooting star in every direction for as far as the horizon stretches... Let’s get sacred shall we? We’re on a spiritual journey... & our quest is to grow, & to know all the secrets of the universe as we do so. The stars look like tiny fireflies or like softly glowing fruit hanging from the great cosmic tree. Let’s become so transparent now that we’re almost invisible... Yes! We’re really here...in the forest, & yes this is really happening...isn’t it a wonderful thing to be alive?! Now that we’ve been planted we’re more beautiful than even we’d imagined. I wonder what galaxies you’re exploring in the silence & if they’re as fascinating as mine...I guess I’ll find out when all this glory-filled silence is over. RIGHT NOW! That’s when it happened...that’s when I just had the most delicate thought of you... Lay your weary pine-cone next to mine...& let’s sleep softly upon the forgiving forest floor. Don’t worry your little head, if you get too cold outside, you can use me as a cave & lay inside. Look at you now...we can’t stop laughing...& you know we’ll be doing this for hours until we fall happily asleep! This is what it’s like to be one with the Earth...it’s like belonging. Let’s lis- ten even closer to the sounds she makes while we are dreaming...& while we are listening to her sing, let’s think of the most beautiful things we can for those who haven’t felt anything this beautiful in awhile! Let’s let the woodpeckers write their poems in our smile. For a weeping willow, I sure do laugh a lot...but then again, notice that the harder you laugh, you eventually begin to cry... Now the stars look like their hanging by a thread, ready to fall when the moment is just right. You never hear of a tree being blamed for anything...except for being beautiful! We have no end...we only begin. Let’s hug every thought as though it were the last acorn in town! Trees don’t breathe, except to give us a breath of our own. We must be getting closer to the truth, for I can hear crickets laughing all around... For the closer you get to the truth, the more everything is laughing too! As trees, we’ll have to be strong for everything around us... We’ll have to be strong while they lay trusting upon our branches. If it’s a confrontation you seek, just look up into the sky, & you will be looking directly into the eyes of God! Every shooting star is a sparkle from God’s eyes reminding us where we came from...& that’s why every shooting star feels like home. All right, now we’re going to do something a little different...I want you to find a star, a single star in the sky that is saying your name...now have a staring contest with it & just listen to what it is saying... it is perhaps the star your molecules came from so there is no reason to feel awkward...now, what does it tell you in its dancing stillness? Does your star tell you to dance too? The stars are all dancing in circles around each other as they celebrate what it means to be light! Has anyone ever shown you things about yourself that are as beautiful as this? Do you think any-one ever will? Do you know anyone else trying to change the world by looking up in the sky? Well, just look up & you will. My star tells me that it is where I came from, that it is where I began...& that when I look at it, I am really looking at myself from across the universe! See, we have twin siblings shining in the night’s sky... You can never accuse the sky of being anything but spectacular! Hey you...you’re beautiful too. Let’s be radiant together & show the world something shining that they’ve never seen before. If we’re going to find something amazing & give it to the world, it might as well be each other... So let’s look deeply into the skies of one another & see what beauties we can discover! Let’s be peaking constellations as happy as can be. No matter how far you grow you’ll never escape your skin, until you learn to grow from within... I’ll bet you wonder how I know exactly what you’re feeling...it’s because I’m feeling it too. Has there ever been a discovery more beautiful than the sky? Yes...each other. I’m glad you’re here with me for these little discoveries...now let’s show the world what we’ve found, & let’s be secure in showing it together... What do you think our ancestors thought of before they invented the light bulb? I’ll bet they thought about how beautifully they shined together! I’ll be your bed if you’ll be my blanket...you can lay all soft & warm upon the tenderness of my chest, & let me be covered by the glowing goodness of you. The sky is literally a scripture, each thing that happens within its grasp is another amazing poem! All right, now look up at the sky & see the entire star-stream as an ocean & just be swimming in the sparkling seas of you... Let’s count shooting stars as a game, whoever honestly sees the most, wins. I WIN! Let’s let the sky hug our eyes. Let’s go swimming together in an enchanted lagoon...we’ll see each other under water by the pale moonlight smiling! Each shooting star is another discovery of who we are. I see a bear made of stars looking directly at me, as it opens its shining mouth to speak & meteors fall from the sky as if to say: REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! Now that we have been trees together, we can manage any stormy weather. Oh the luxury of being Love, all soft & warm in our hearts... When I look at you I’m afraid to blink, afraid that I might miss another wonderful moment of you happening! My favorite sound of this existence is when the wind blows through the trees & you can hear their leaves whisper to one another... Perhaps there is a sacred shape to the universe...a sort of cosmic imperfection that fits us all together. Even as you are warm inside I am wandering in the wilderness...searching the heavens for a sign...saying a prayer to the Great Maker to help me understand. I am praying for understanding of the nature of existence as it TRULY is. I am praying that I am the kind of person who leads by example... I am praying that my every action be orchestrated in Love. I am praying that I can share my beautiful discoveries with the whole dreaming world! I am praying that WE find a way to escape all the clever accusations. I am praying that even now you are being cradled in the arms of God. I am praying in the dreaming forest watching the sky go by, & with every breath I take, whole new existences are being known! So many sights & sounds, all so new & amazing... The crickets seems to be keeping the world together with their echoing laughter. I am here with Love feeling like I couldn’t be doing anything more important than what I’m doing by writing this all down. Feeling like the only thing that could make this moment any more beautiful would be if I were sharing it with you, & now that you’re hearing me, it’s like we’ve always been together. I am contemplating the enormity of our unexplored existences! Sometimes I feel like I have to protect Love from getting hurt...but perhaps it is not Love who needs the protecting...perhaps it is we who are weak & unsure, & Love is the answer to make us feel secure. For even in the darkest darkness, Love will find a way... Perhaps the truest paths are the ones we must walk alone. Perhaps the most important test is to walk outside by yourself in the dark & face all your unrelenting fears. I met an old friend in the midnight darkness in the form of a wandering horse wanting to be fed...I gave him an apple I’d been saving for myself & said a prayer for his silent lonesome journey. I prayed for his continued freedom & that it always be happening... & I walked in the quiet darkness like a poem waiting to be found. Will you ever know the exhilaration of walking alone in the woods in the dark? Of what it means to be lost & lonely, & yet to be discovered for the first time by the sway of trees & poetry of stars... For if you can face the dark wilderness all alone, then there is no fear you cannot conquer. Take the toughest person from the city & put them alone in the dark woods, & after a couple of hours of natural solitude, even they will begin to break down. But I’ll let you in on a little secret...there is no devil waiting for you in the dark...perhaps what you call the devil is simply your fear inviting you to come play. Have you ever danced with your fears in the pale moonlight? When the fog rolls in it’s the clouds kissing the ground...go outside & kiss them back! Perhaps things that are weeping are just laughing so hard they begin to cry... Maybe when Jesus wept he was really laughing his ass off. ~Excerpt from my 4th book Sky Scriptures~
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:02:03 +0000

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