I joined the ANC Masupatsela or ANC young pioneers in 1988 at - TopicsExpress


I joined the ANC Masupatsela or ANC young pioneers in 1988 at young a age of 10years. 20yrs later in 2008 l realised that my beloved ANC was drifting and veerying of the Freedom Charter, NDR and National Question respectively. This fascinated me as we had internally and amicably dealt with tribalistic elements that were emerging and the them or us tendencies that was blamed from those who were from exile and those who fought the demon of white supremacy within. Unfortunatley the latter gave birth to clicks or cores. The cancer that is prevalent today in all political formations. Today l want to take the Bull by its horns and turn it, l want to confront the causes of this cancer because their taking our country to political oblivion. The issue at hand is the recent èxpose that Dr Parllo Jordan has falsified his qualifications. I am not questioning Dr Jordans intellectual depth but rather want to reflect on how this has affected the country and the body politic at large. This had and still has a dramatic impact in the political establishment. Cadres like PJ are highly regarded by the rank and file of the MDM structures and odinary South Africans. Imagine a situation were our former head of the ANC intellegency, His Excellency President Jacob Zuma knew about this falsification by our alleged Doctor. Wouldnt it practical and politically convinient for him to have put the Dr in his corner, especially when Zuma was busy bulldozing ANC policy while ascending to the presidency of both the ANC and the Republic. I am comfronted by the question; how many highly regarded Academics in positions of power have doctored their qualifications? Please spare me a thought on a certain Hlaudi Motsoeneng cause he does not have the acumen of PJ. The latter except not having matric can hardly express himself. Why have we allowed patronage, nepotism, plagerism and cronyism rule our noble institutions. Comrades are un-able to defend the Constitution that Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu was executed for. We no longer have the conviction to realise the National Democratic Struggle. Primary school drop-outs become instant millionaires because their either romantically linked to a powerful politician. School Governance is head by power mongers with no knowledge of the school curriculum and systems. Teachers with Degrees are interviewed by buffoons puporting to be SGBS. Local government is a shadow of its former self because Councillors are unable to interprete the Municipal Finance Management Act, Municipal System Act, The Road traffic management Act and interlinking legislations. Its precisely because of the Dr Jordans of this world why the country is moving to a directionless national grid. They are held to ransom by corruptors and corruptees and threatened with éxposees! In conclusion, let us not stay at the fence and watch the game but be vocal and take our country forward. Any its a country were education is not important!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 05:58:26 +0000

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