I joined the Ulster Orchestra in 1975 as a rank and file violist. - TopicsExpress


I joined the Ulster Orchestra in 1975 as a rank and file violist. From the day I joined the orchestra was involved in a great many diverse activities, education projects being amongst the most important. We played to groups of school children in Ballymurphy, Castlereagh Road, Enniskillen, Omagh, Portadown, Edendork and all places between. I intended to stay with the orchestra for only a few months but ended up spending the whole of my career as a member of the Ulster Orchestra and I am very proud to have done so! Throughout the “troubles” we never, ever, cancelled a performance for any reason although I do remember one concert in Newry Town Hall being shortened because there was no electricity to illuminate our music! The Ulster Orchestra has been used to promote the best aspects of Northern Ireland all over the world. From the USA, Hong Kong, Korea and much of Europe. We were exhibited to foreign dignitaries to show that although the Province had its difficulties, throughout all, there was a cultural beacon, shining brightly. I kept a record of the orchestra’s commercial recordings which began in June 1979 under the baton of Bryden Thomson. Between 1979 and early in 2014 the Ulster Orchestra has recorded 293 orchestral works. Many of these recordings received very high praise from the national critics and all but a handful are still available to purchase. There is barely a day passes without the orchestra being broadcast on BBC Radio Three or Classic FM. Take a moment to remember that this cultural heritage that has taken decades of effort to achieve and please, please do not let this shining light of artistic excellence be extinguished at the orchestras moment of greatest need. It does seem now that all this effort by the many musicians and administrators is just taken for granted and not fully appreciated by the decision makers. Some belittle the work and benefit of retaining a professional orchestra whilst others seem not to fully understand the breadth of the work undertaken by the orchestra and its members. If disbanded it will take many years to recover the great artistic and cultural heritage which has been created since 1966.Let us not have the distinction of being the only region of the UK without a professional orchestra! I would try to be philosophical, but I am no philosopher. I will however quote Shakespeare! From the Merchant of Venice. “The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. Let no such man be trusted.” Support your Ulster Orchestra. Save your Ulster Orchestra. Ashley Mason
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 00:49:46 +0000

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